Swords found in Judean Desert caves ranked as most exciting archaeology story of 2023


Jul 9, 2006

National Geographic gives top slot to discovery of 1,900-year-old, remarkably preserved Roman blades, likely cached by Bar Kochba rebels in one of 800 caves near Dead Sea.

The swords were found inside a fissure in a cave near Ein Gedi National Park in the Dead Sea area in June. Estimated to be about 1,900 years old, the swords are believed to have been captured during the Bar Kochba revolt by Judean rebels and then concealed in a rock crevice.

The weapons are remarkably preserved and appear to have been undisturbed since they were originally placed in the cave.

More to the interesting story here:
I spent a little time at the Ein Gedi kibbutz in 1971. I can attest it is the driest place I’ve ever been, pure desert as far as the eye can see, the vision only broken by Masada, the mountain close to a thousand Jewish rebels leaped off, rather than being enslaved, when overrun by the Romans.

Not hard to see how the climate was conducive to the weapons longevity.