Things you see on your Trail Cams.......


Feb 6, 2007
Pulled cards from my trail cameras down at the cabin yesterday. Over the years I have gotten pictures of animal behavior that almost 60 years of being in the woods and hunting has not shown me. I know fully well, that does that are not bred will come around into estrous every 28 days. I did not know they can come back into heat for 7 cycles until I got these pics yesterday and did some research. As you can plainly see, the date is March 20th here in Wisconsin. I doubt if it will stick, but iffin' I see some dog sized fawns come hunting season, I will know why.........

Breeder1.JPG Breeder2.JPG
Not really...... just nature taking it course.;) Having worked on a Dairy farm in my younger days, this kind of behavior was a daily occurrence, with the behavior called "bulling" by other cows seen as the time to get the AI guy out. Previous pictures on the camera showed the doe was laying down for quite a while until the buck came along. She stood up and actually "stood" for him, behavior that does generally don't do unless they are at the crucial time in estrous.
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In NW Fl the rut is in the Jan-Feb time frame, with does dropping in the Sep. time frame- but bow season starts in late October. This means spotted fawns during bow season are normal to see. The first time I saw spotted a fawn in September on a trail cam I though the thing had the mange, but after I did the math I realized I was looking at a fawn.
In NW Fl the rut is in the Jan-Feb time frame, with does dropping in the Sep. time frame- but bow season starts in late October. This means spotted fawns during bow season are normal to see.
Here in Wisconsin, the rut runs from just before Halloween till just after Christmas, with most fawns being born mid-May to mid June. Bow season starts here the first part of September, so seeing fans with spots is pretty common then too. Generally, it would be a real late fawn to see spots after the middle of October.