My new "Kitty Getter"

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Sep 23, 2005
My first black rifle in a while:


The major parts:
Ameetec Lower
M&A 16" Varmint Upper (kit)
RRA NM trigger
4-pos CAR stock
Nikko Stirling 1.5-6x44 (Trying something different for the heck of it)

I'm calling this my "kitty getter" since the plan is to try to take a mountain lion with it. :D
No, they don't. I'll be limited to a 5 round mag. I bought one already, just didn't have it in the gun for the pic. I also can't use any FMJ or armor piercing ammo designed for military use. I think 68 gr Black Hills JHP's should take care of the big kitties pretty well.
Thanks guys! I really want to go try it out. I've never even fired a .223! :what:

Mountain lions can be anywhere from 70-150lbs according to AZ's G&F website. I think the one I saw last year was closer to the high end of that range. When I saw it for the first time I thought I was looking at a really big dog, but then I started to notice the thicker legs, long u-shaped tail with a black tip, smallish head, etc... It was dusk when I saw it both times. Here's a cut-paste of my big kitty story:

I had a close encounter with a mountain lion last year. I saw it 20 yards away while I was archery elk hunting one evening. At the time I didn't take the shot because I didn't have a tag. The next evening the cat tracked me down or found me or whatever and snuck up to about 5 yards away from me! I was watching for it because I'd seen it the night before, but it snuck up on me from my 12 o'clock while I was watching my 7-8 o'clock position. I drew the 1911 I was carrying on it, but in the time it took to clear the holster, take the safety off, put my finger on the trigger, etc... the cat was taking a couple of leaps into a ravine and out of view. I think the combination of being seen and me making a lot of quick movement scared the cat off. I didn't fire a shot.

GGB: Is that a reference to hunting kitty, eating kitty or a non-PG comment? :D

At one point in my decision to build this thing I couldn't find a name for what the end result would be so I called it a "tactical varmint rifle". The cat with the sniper rifle looks more like a tactical varmint! :p
A .243 or something in the 7mm range would probably be better, but I believe many mountain lions have been taken with the right .223 bullets. Unless of course you get lucky and run across one of the really big ones.
Typically, mountain lions are hunted with dogs. The dogs chase the cat up a tree, where the hunter picks it off from the ground. Often, a handgun is used as the range is relatively short.
Don't you think you want a supressor for hunting cats? Homeowners might get upset with you. :)
Cougars are just big pussies.

No harder to kill than a house cat. .223 is almost overkill. Most folks that hunt them with dogs shoot them out of a tree with a .22lr pistol.
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