Che's Sycophant Canned By Colorado College.

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I bet he ends up with a full professorship at Harvard, Yale, or Berkeley.

I doubt it.

Those places can compete for and land a faculty candidate who is an America-hating, anti-white, anti-Christian, whacko Communist who also has an actual degree and who hasn't been caught plagiarizing yet.
It makes me wonder just how much life experience some of these professors really have. I mean, discussing things with fellow intellectuals in the dry halls of academia and the ivory towers of the elite can only give you a narrow-minded view of things.

It's interesting that professors in business school's typically have more real life experience than those of other colleges, but once immersed in academia, tend to forget about that reality. I am shocked at the number of finance and accounting professors I meet that are left-wing wackos. The number isn't huge, but it is a whole lot more than I would have ever expected.

The following link has all of the info. Included in there is a link to the laws of the Regents that will govern the actual dismissal process.

He's as good as fired. The notice he was given was for the sake of providing him with an opportunity to resign. They do things politely in academe. Well... except debate men of the right.

As for his pursuing a career elsewhere, I'd be shocked if that happened. His ideology is compatible with the day's dominant university paradigm but he's been marked with a glaring red indelible "A" (academically dishonest). He'll likely be able to continue publishing in non-peer reviewed journals and selling his books, but he'll never be a professor again. He's gone the way of Michael Bellesiles.

Really, this was just the final nail in his coffin. He's been basically unciteable for years outside of "ethnic studies" departments, and even some of his colleagues in that field were grumbling about his penchant for rhetoric over scholarship and encouraging their students to study other thinkers. More fun were the extremely partisan profs who were hip to the internal politics of AIM and knew that many within the group thought Churchill was a Fed.

Nobody's going to miss ol' Ward.
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you forget how todays colleges and universities are breeding grounds for racism and prejudicial thought against the U.S. Constitution, the CIVIL RIGHT keep and bear arms, white poeple, christians, mother and father family units....

so other than "forgetting" to give credit where credit was due, he will fit right in with any large campus in California, new jerseystan, or most other liberal havens.
It is amusing that Churchill was recently voted the most popular professor at CU. I wonder if the students would feel the same if his dream came true and then :what: their trust funds were taxed at 100% due to enhanced death tax and then they had to sell their Beemers with the Kerry bumper stickers and work their way through college working nights at Walmart?
It would be nice to get rid of extremists on both sides of the political spectrum, who use the 1A to spew partisan hate... maybe churchill and coulter could be sent to an island... now there would be an entertaining reality show...
Except that Coulter is anti-communist and Churchill is pro-communist. One points out the dirty truth, the other spews propagandist lies. Do we want to live in N. Korea or here in the USA? Do we want to live the High Road or the Democratic Underground? Are we entitled to our own earnings from our work, or handouts to the lazy, lowest common demoninator (with a high percentage taken by the government redistributors)? What will happen when the responsible become subservient to the lazy? If it pays more to be needy, who will work?

There was a response to my post about potential violence at the RNC convention in NYC by a (former or current) leftist. He said something to the effect that: these leftists don't want to live in Cuba, they want to see the destruction of the system that makes the USA successful.
American By Blood

He's as good as fired. The notice he was given was for the sake of providing him with an opportunity to resign. They do things politely in academe. Well... except debate men of the right.

Living in Gainesville with the leftist University of Florida, and knowing folks well there, I have a better than average idea of how things 'work' in academia.

But aside from that, my point is that even if he does get terminated in the end, its a LONG way from over. Ol' Ward is not going anywhere, anytime soon.

That jackass made an appearance in CT a few months ago. While here, he promised a federal civil rights lawsuit against his employer if they ever attempted to fire him.
I also have mixed feelings about him being held next to Che Guevarra. Che was a marxist revolutionary, but he was fiercely loyal to his cause, and when Castro offered him any position he wanted in the Cuban regime, he turned it down and continued to spread the revolution through latin America. His integrity was not for sale. Churchill (Winston Churchill HAS to be sizzling in his grave for sharing a name with this yahoo,) is comfortable espousing his philosophy in a place where he can get a chili-dog at 7-11 whenever he wants to, and watch Seinfeld re-runs. Che Guevarra would have voted him off the island in 24 hours.
Che Guevarra would have voted him off the island in 24 hours.

My original title for this thread was edited by the moderator to better reflect the intellectual and moral high ground we strive to maintain here. Wannabe would have been a better substitution than sycophant.

But most of LeRoy's ilk have a serious Che complex. Check out this useful idiot from Zombie

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