New Member First post Pics and Question

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Sep 8, 2006
Washington State
Hello there, I am new to this forum and I purchased my FN P-9 'bout 5 months ago. Great pistol (being my first gun, hard to compare others with lol). I use it in a monthly IPSC type competition and have found the gun is still ALOT more accurate than I. It has never had a misfeed or stove pipe of anything of the sort. Shoots everything I put throught it. I also get alot of people never have heard or seen of this model before. I say "its a FN P-9, just like a Browning Pro 9." they then say " O! is it a high power!?. lol Here is a few pics I took of it. My question is below



Here is my question. This gun has no manual safety only a decocker. The only unreliable thing I have had happen is when I will draw my weapon and put my finger on the trigger to fire in double action from a decocked starting postion , the hammer will pull back and then fall back into decock, not firing the bullet?! It doesnt do it all the time but sometimes it will have fits and it will take 2 or 3 pulls the give desired reaction. It will NEVER go into decock when firing single action, only in DA

I have never pulled the trigger assembly? out of the handgrip area to clean it since I was warned I might not know what I am doing. I have over 2100 documented rounds shot with absolutly no other hiccups than this DA trigger deal.
I religously clean the barrel, slide,ect and try to get into the lowers as good as I can without tearing that apart. any suggestions? take to a gunsmith?This is my first post so sorry for the lenth and I hope I didnt leave too much out haha thank you
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Sounds like a trigger bar or trigger transfer system(whatever FN calls theirs)failure.Is it under warrenty?It doesn't sound too much like a safety issue right now unless you're useing it for CCW.I'd try and have it repaired under warrenty if possible.
Any weapon that fails to fire when it is SUPPOSED to :what: is not a safe weapon. This gun needs to be looked at by a gunsmith and most likely sent back to the factory for warranty repair as soon as possible.
Given your experience level, this may be a stupid question, but are you pulling the trigger all the way back when this happens. I ask because my CZ P-01 will fall to half cock on a DA pull if I pull only halfway and then release the trigger. Then I have a shorter pull, in between the regular DA pull and the SA pull.
I took the gun COMPLETLY apart. cleaned everything. After putting it back together, dry fire test it. If I do a slow pull on the trigger in DA it will goto decock. IF I pull the trigger really fast the hammer will fall normally.

Whats up with that?:confused:

TX1911fan no, I am pulling the trigger all the way. If I pull the trigger half way the hammer will simply return to where it was.
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