Smile,Wave and say hello

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Jul 6, 2006
3,109 I went out shooting and as always way out on dirt roads when I encountered someone or driving by me there is always smiles and waving to each other.

Do that at a stop light and the people next to you will look at you strange and think you are mental lol!More likely instead of a wave you are going to get the finger .:confused:

What a happy,nice world this would be if on the highway everybody waved and smiles huh?.....guess seeing others out in the sticks waving is because people are happy to be somewhere they enjoy lol!

anyway,just my thoughts.(smiling and waving at you):)
The waving "thing" used to be a regular part of the culture in the motorcyclist community, until some of the Harley-Davidson people got all snobby and stopped waving at people riding non-HD motorcycles. Still, I usually wave at all my fellow "bikers" and most of them wave back.
When I was in the Navy I hitched a ride home with a buddy who was headed for the East coast. It seemed that once we crossed the Kansas state line just about everyone we met on the highway gave us a wave.
He finally turned to me and asked "Do you know all these people?" :D

BTW: the motorcycle wave is still alive and well.
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The wave is a regular thing in the rural areas of Colorado.

I also used to get a lot of waves when I drove a Jeep Wrangler, from other Jeep drivers. Shame that Jeep got totaled, Liberty drivers don't have the same sense of community. :(

As long as people wave all of their fingers at once at me, I'm willing to be friendly in return. :)
Used to drive an 86 300ZX. The headlights flipped up and down. A quick pull on the turn signal when the lights were off would cause them to flip up, flash and flip down. That was SOP when you passed another Z driver on the road.

It's the camaraderie I think. Two people both doing what they love have a fleeting connection. Whether it's driving off road, driving Wranglers or Z, shooting, fishing, boating, hunting, etc.

I think there was a boating commercial on TV that paralleled this thread. They showed a family boating, waving to everyone else on boats, and everyone else waving back. Then they show the same family in the car waving to other cars and getting nothing but strange looks. :p

How many times have you gone to the shooting lane and NOT waved at the people already there?
I don't care what you ride, even if it's a Yamasuckie, ya get a wave from me. Two wheels are two wheels.

Waving hi to people in the city is impractical when you are passing about 500 cars per minute. The country wave in my neck of the woods is lifting your index finger off the steering wheel as you pass by.
Back atcha, Biker.

It's the brotherhood of two wheels. I'll wave at anyone hanging their keister in the breeze.

Scooter (Vespa) riders are always visibly shocked, 'cause nobody waves at them.
Just speaking

I remember as a kid my dad would always raise his right index finger off the steeringwheel when we met another car or pedestrian. When I asked who they were he said he didn't know them. Then why are you waving I'd ask. He'd say "Just speaking". I still do. Thanks MaterDei for reminding me of that great memory of my dad.
There was a good bit of the one finger (index that is) waving going on on the back roads of Arkansas when I was there. People in the country driving from one farm to another are happy to see you.:)

Folks in rural Washington still wave, mostly the "lift the tips of the fingers just barely off the steering wheel"-type wave.

Hate to do this, but this really is not gun related. Sorry everyone. :eek:

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