Gun bills introduced in the 110th Congress (2007)

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Dec 26, 2002
All information as of January 17, 2007:


1. Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2007 (Introduced in House) H.R.73. - Sponsor: Roscoe Bartlett - MD

Allows people to sue in civil court for civil rights violation if they can legally own firearms under federal law; but are denied right to use firearms in self-defense by local law.


1 . Child Gun Safety and Gun Access Prevention Act of 2007 (Introduced in House) H.R.256 - Sponsor: Sheila Jackson-Lee - TX

Basically, this bill requires all firearms be sold with a gun lock. If a child (less than 18) uses a firearm and it does not have a gun lock, the owner is held liable for both civil and criminal charges (3 years imprisonment). The bill also adds a requirement that anyone under 18 cannot attend a gun show without an adult guardian present.

2 . Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act (Introduced in House) H.R.203 - Sponsor: Stephen Rothman - NJ

Allows officers on scene to question regarding weapons and confiscate weapons if they have probable cause to believe there was an act of domestic violence

3 . Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2007 (Introduced in House) H.R.96. - Sponsor: Mike Castle - DE

Very lengthy act, best you read it; but basically attempts to close the "loophole" where private sales are allowed at "gun shows". Defines both gun shows and "loophole" very broadly.

4 . SAVE Act (Introduced in House) H.R.354 - Sponsor: Carolyn McCarthy - NY

Enhanced reporting requirements for violations of gun-free school zones act

5. NICS Improvement Act of 2007 (Introduced in House) H.R.297 - Sponsor: Carolyn McCarthy - NY

Gives states money to computerize mental health and domestic violence records so that they may be included in the NICS database.


1. Anti-Gun Trafficking Penalties Enhancement Act of 2007 (Introduced in Senate) S.77 - Sponsor: Chuck Schumer - NY

Allows anti-gun groups to use firearms trace data obtained by ATF. Requires law enforcement to report all stolen firearms to the feds. Removes section of 1986 FOPA limiting ATF to one warrantless inspection of FFLs per year. Increases penalties for illegal firearms trafficking to 20 years in prison (from 10 years)

For those keeping track at home, that is 1 RKBA bill (Rep) and 6 Gun Control bills (5 Dem, 1 Rep). The RKBA bill has been proposed every year since 1999 and never left committee even with the Republicans in power. We'll see how the new committee chaired by strong gun control supporter John Conyers does with the other bills.
Allows anti-gun groups to use firearms trace data obtained by ATF.

:eek: :confused:

EXCUSE me? A private activist group can get access to that data, and other citizens can't? If that goes anywhere, THAT one needs to go right to the courts, up to the Supremes if needed!

Oh, it's from Chuckie-boy. Should have known...


Mister Hypocrisy.
Manedwolf said:
EXCUSE me? A private activist group can get access to that data, and other citizens can't?

It allows anybody access to the data. The problem was that circa 2000, groups like VPC would use the data to publish their "Crime guns" report even though ATF specifically warned that the data cannot be used for that since not all crime guns are traced and not all guns traced were used in a crime. VPC pretty much ignored that caveat and the Republican-controlled Congress decided to limit ATF's tracing data to use by law enforcement agencies only. You can find some excellent articles on the web describing the problem, as well as earlier VPC reports showing how they twisted the data.

Schumer's bill is basically crafted to incrementally roll-back several of the gains we have made since 1986 in tiny little measures that are unlikely to be noticed; but can be used to support other attacks later.
Gee, i thought the Dems were going to be 'cautious' and 'not try any hot-button issues like gun crontrol this term'.

So much for that theory.
I can't believe that the Dems have proposed a bill that allows a police officer to confiscate your firearms on the spot if he has "probable cause" to think domestic violence occured and nobody here has commented on it or blown a gasket.
bart I can come up with a real colorful gasket blowing when I get home in about an hour if it would make you feel better :evil:
They need to go back to that 10 minute work week

They need to go back to that 10 minute work week. :p

Wedge Strategy


Ok, gasket blown here... :)

I see a recurring strategy here. Anyone who votes against the legislation in opposition to the confiscation clause will get painted as being against domestic protection measures. I mean, what's the message being sent by voting against the Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act? Are you against protection of Victims?

Do you know if this has been assigned to committee yet?

Do you know if this has been assigned to committee yet?

Yes, it has been read twice and referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee (of which Schumer is a member). Patrick Leahy now chairs the committee.

The other members of the committee are (Dems): Kennedy, Biden, Feinstein, Kohl, Feingold, Schumer, Durbin, Cardin, and Whitehouse (the last two are freshman Senators). (Rep): Specter, Hatch, Grassley, Kyl, Sessions, Graham, Cornyn, Brownback, and Coburn.

So, if the vote goes down on party lines, it will pass committee. If any Dem votes pro-gun and all the Republicans hold the line, it goes down.
I see Chuckie let his vanity get the best of him in that photo op. No eye protection. I can hear someone yelling you'll poke your eye out his case he would deserve it. :evil:
Out of Committee Potential


What web tools do you use to track legislation? We have good ones here for the state work, but I've never really did my own homework on the federal stuff.

I'm afraid Specter could vote yes. He may be a Republican, but he's no conservative.

Thanks by the way for all the good work in posting.

:mad: :rolleyes:
Well maybe its time the new generation of gunowners can find out why its not such a great idea to vote for Democrats.:banghead:

One would have thought that the whole AWB mess would still be stuck in people's heads, but maybe people have forgotten already.:uhoh:
I can't believe that the Dems have proposed a bill that allows a police officer to confiscate your firearms on the spot if he has "probable cause" to think domestic violence occured and nobody here has commented on it or blown a gasket.
Is this known as the Abuser Protection Act? Smack your woman and then the po-po comes and takes away any means of self defense she might have. :barf:
You can track all federal legislation via:

It has excellent tools for seeing what is going on and gives the daily status of each bill. You can also reference the Congressional Record, votes, etc.

The THR Library link in the upper right hand corner also has a quick search to Thomas; but it currently points to the 109th Congress and not the new 110th Congress.
The first "100 hours" has come and gone already with 7 new measures proposed, all of which can negatively impact gun owners. Wonder what the next few hundred hours hold in store for us. It appears that the 1994 change from a dem to a gop congress is but a dim memory to the current party in power.

You're all wrong. Democrats are our friends, they're not after our guns, I know it's true 'cause I read it on the errornet and here on THR.

I'd like to hear from all those who espoused that line prior to the election.......

[* sounds of crickets chirping *]
Senate Critter Cardin is the freshman from Maryland. He has always voted party lines as is evidenced by this snap shot of his record:

Esentially you can count on him being in the same camp as DiFi et al.


The NRA suffered a huge setback as their endorsed candidate, Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, lost his bid for the U.S. Senate to long-time gun violence prevention champion, Congressman Ben Cardin.

From Brady prez Paul Helmke:

In all, we endorsed 345 candidates and won with 96% of them...reelecting folks like Governors Doyle in Wisconsin, and Blagojevich in Illinois, and Rendell in Pennsylvania...helping newly-elected Ben Cardin for U.S. Senate in Maryland and U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell in Washington State...and folks like Joe Sestak from Pennsylvania and Ed Perlmutter from Colorado for the U.S. House.

Thanks to these victories and many more, we can now move from playing defense to offense.

We have great opportunities now at the state and federal levels to push life-saving gun laws — things like universal background checks, including closing the gun show loophole, and getting military-style assault weapons off the streets!

So there it is documented. Anyone wanna place bets how most of these bills go? Man it's no wonder I am so depressed, first the MD gov, now I gotta worry about more federal laws:(
Pretty mundane stuff for the most part, the second and third house bills are the only causes for concern, and it's orders of magnitude below the level of an AWB. I doubt many guns will be unjustly confiscated as a result of the domestic violence thing, and cops confiscate weapons and other evidence from crime scenes as it is. Besides, I don't see why not to make DV a felony. If some cop does commit a blatant gun grab because of unsubstantiated suspicions of domestic violence, the victim will get the gun back and shoot down the law after a slam-dunk court case. The gun show law is bothersome, but it should be killable with some lobbying.
When did business people become cops?

Gun hater trigger words like “loophole” are used to trigger emotion. There is no loophole at guns shows. People are simply obeying the law. A law the gun haters demanded and got. If the gun haters did not like this law then why did the gun haters vote for it?

Ask a gun hater how many dangerous criminals this asinine background check law has removed from society and they cannot answer that simple question.
Ask a gun hater how many law abiding citizens have been denied a chance to exercise their rights and they will give you the number of times the background checks said do not sell the person a gun. Now if the person that was just denied the purchase is a dangerous criminal then why are they allowed to walk away after again committing a felony crime?
Pretty mundane stuff for the most part,

Aye and there's the rub... Many anti 2A bills are pretty mundane for the most part. A small inconvenience, a minor annoyance. That is how they are carving us up bit by bit, piece by piece. Thousands of small, mundane and innocuous bills that taken together equal a huge burden on legal arms ownership.

A number of us on this forum stated in the days shortly after the November election that the Dems could not help themselves, that they must by their nature introduce anti gun laws. Others called us negative and pessimistic. They assured us that the Dems had learned a lesson from 1994. Well they were wrong and the "first 100 hours" proves it. No body knows exactly what the next few "100 hours" of life under the Dems will bring but these proposed bills are certainly just the tip of the iceberg.
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