On Fox News ATM. Thompson is at a gun shop talking about 2A

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That is a fair question.

Thank you for a very well put answer, and I do not wish to turn this into a Paul vs. Thompson post myself, I just would like to point out not to count out the underdog too early. Remember:

David vs. Goliath
Colonial militia vs. English army
2004 Red Sox vs. Yankees :evil:
It's a shame that they can't be sued for fraud in advertizing as their campaign platrofm is the "contract they are advertizing" to get ellected.

I've been saying this for years.

It seems that campaign promises are verbal contracts. They tell me what they will do if we elect them as a condition of obtaining our vote. Once they have recieved "payment" (in the form of our vote), they should be contractually obligated to show evidence of delivering the "product" that they sold.

-- John
Steve.... I hear ya my friend. I have no desire to count him out. In fact, I'd LOVE to see his campaign gain a strong head of steam. Even if he wasn't successful, it would send a VERY LOUD message to the media and representatives about our views on the direciton of the US.

-- John
Don't buy into the propaganda. Fact is Most politicians put their own interests above the people they're supposed to represent.


That's why we have to SCARE them into representing us. Their interest is in being elected. Show them it's NOT in their interest to oppose RKBA.

I care less about what a politician really feels, than whether they vote my way.

That's the strategy of most groups that exist in politics to advance a particular agenda, whether that's the Sierra Club, the NRA, or anyone else.
He voted for the prescription drug plan....how is he better on any issue (even guns) than Ron again????


Please dont' take what I typed out of context. I didn't clarify that sentence well.

I meant to say that he is our best chance of knocking out: Guiliani, McCain, Romney and then later: Clinton, Obama, Edwards.

I was not asserting that he should be compared or constrasted to Paul or any of the other candidates in the republican primaries for that matter. Nor am I asserting that he is a better candidate on the issues than Paul.

It IS my belief that he has more viability as a candidate than any of the other non-frontrunner candidates, however.

In the end, my desire is to see Guiliani, McCain, Romney, Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and Gore (possibly) defeated by a candidate that is heads and shouders above them on the issues.

I appreciate the enthusiasm of Paul suppporters and I understand that they are working to build momentium for Paul's campaign. At the same time, it gets old that every thread dealing with a republican primary candidate gets the "rabid dog" treatment by Paul supporters in an effort to shift focus to Paul comparisions.

For the moment, I am happy to see that a better candidate is emerging than the frontrunners and getting media attention. Anyone getting attention that draws it from our enemies is progress.

But making every single discussion a debate comparing them to Paul doesn't help anyone.

-- John
flash LOL!!

Take a look at the expression on Fred's face.

-- John

EDIT: At least the impeachment trial for Thompson will have more "eye candy" than Clinton's did.
Fred Thompson has nothing on Ron Paul when it comes to idealogy. If it were up to me, I'd pick Paul every time. The problem is that Ron Paul has a really good shot at paving the way for future libertarian incursions, but virtually no shot of actually winning. Fred Thompson is possibly the only Republican running that can beat a Democrat in the next election. George Bush did a tremendous amount of damage to the Republican party and the polls show that a majority of Americans want to elect a Democrat. The only saving grace is that the same polls show that the American public is not especially enamored with any of the Democrats running. That is where Thompson can save our bacon. He is perceived as enough of an outsider that the Bush administration stink might not rub off on him.
OMG GTSteve. I have a thing for redheads-- I'm with you on that one.

I'm 5'7. I think I could get used to the eye-level view I'd have with her. :)

-- John
I'm a Ron Paul bot, but if things keep going as they are, I will probably go for Fred Thompson. He has the right positions on nearly all the subjects that matter and he has held them since before last week.
Steve/ Warren - Come on now everyone knows that redheads are totally psycho. She would make HC look normal.


I know... I know.... I'm a glutton for punishment. Still, red hair isn't the only trigger for psychosis.

The surest catalyst for triggering mental psychosis for any woman is getting married to me. Just ask my wife and ex-wife. :)

-- John
I do like how Brownback changed his vote to jump back on to the right side of the fence. But I think he made his point that he will only give the people what they want if they threaten to vote him out of office.

McCain is done. He was in bad shape before but June did him in.

Really we are down to about 4 viable candidates who could actually win at this point:

1. Ron Paul
2. Rudy
3. Thompson
4. Romney

Most likely it will be Paul winning in a walk over Clinton. If any of the other get nominated it will be touch and go. Thompson polls way behind Clinton and Obama in a gereral election and the other two are simply bad choices.
Maybe Fred will round up some Tennessee Volunteers and head down to Texas and secure that border.
Wait a minute...I like the idea of Dr. Paul's running pulling the Republican Party back where it belongs, but you think he has a chance of winning the Presidential election?

I do think-- regardless of your favorite horse in this race-- that we can agree on one thing that Titan said:

McCain is done. He was in bad shape before but June did him in.

One down.

I'll even go so far as to say that Romney is done as well.

I keep the national news on and in my face all day at work. I have seen clear signs that the media is relegating him to the irrelevant column in leiu of talking about Guiliani and Thompson (in terms of republicans)

Two down, in my opinion.

-- John
That Tears It...

I'm changing parties, and voting for Kucinich:D

Dude, what dark forces of hell did that guy harness to even get a second look from a chick like that?! :what:

On a more serious note, I'm definitely a Thompson man -- I'd work on the man's campaign if I wasn't doing a stint in the People's Democratic Socialist Revolutionary Republic of Germany. How a candidate feels about gun ownership tells me a lot about he sees me as a law-abiding citizen: if he can't trust me with a gun, I can't trust him to represent me in office. It's a lesson I've seen for myself while living in Germany. To wit, there's only one fact you need to know to understand the essence of modern Europe -- there are three functional social classes: politicians, bureaucrats, and peasants.

Man, I can't wait to get back home...

By the by, a question for you older folks: Do any of you ever recall seeing, or hearing about, a presidential candidate giving a campaign speech at a bona-fide gun shop or doing a photo-op at one?
Dude, what dark forces of hell did that guy harness to even get a second look from a chick like that?!

Have you ever seen "Oh Brother,Wherefore Art Thou?" (Clooney movie)

In one scene they are talking to a young guy who claims he "sold his soul to the devil" to be able to play the guitar so well.

When pressed as to why he would sell his immortal soul for talent with the guitar, his response was classic: "Well, I wasn't using it."

Makes you wonder.

-- John
I would love to see RP doing well in the primaries.

I think if Thompson chooses to run he is "the next best thing" to RP. I think his percieved distance/outsider stature might be the only way to keep the republican party credible inthe '08 if RP can't win primaries.

I sure as heck feel he would wipe the floor with Hillary or Obama in the debates.

I also suspect a lot of RP supporters are in the same camp as I am: we'd love for him to win, but if he doesn't we hope Thompson is around as the best alternative. (because let's face it, aside from thompson there isn't much to root for)

On the RP front, I know a shockingly large number of highly liberal, typically Democrat stereotypical CA voters who'd switch party lines in a vote without a second's hesitation.
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