"Evil Black" Handgun - Pistols that would curdle the blood of antis?

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+1 on a 4" S&W 500. I love the looks I get at the local indoor range when I fire off a couple rounds, especially if their is someone there trying to show off a Desert Eagle. :evil:
If one didn't know anything about firearms, I wouldn't be surprised if the Whitney Wolverine looked evil - all 'outer spacey" deathray type of thing.

A number of the Hammerlis would fit into that mold as well.
CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical

How about a Serbu Super Shorty?

Not exactly a pistol, but it can be legally owned and maybe even concealed with the right clothes. If nothing else, can you imagine the heart attack an anti would have even just catching a glimpse of it?


For that matter, load all of your guns with surplus Black Talons. It's the little things that matter, dontchaknow.:D
...and for those who insist on the "Automatic revolver",
the Mateba .44 Magnum Semi-Auto Revolver (Courtesy of Cabelas) :

I've just made enquires to buy one of these:evil:
This is my kind of weapon... as well as the CZ with the bayonet and what looks to be an AK with a drum mag. Oh and my CCW is a Glock 23, 40 cal. with Black Talons.

norton, i drool every time i see an MP7. it's very depressing we'll never be able to have them here in the land of the free.
Ultimately went with the Carbon-15 because it was in stock (and some of these other exotics would have arrived after my purchase permit expired) and because I haggled the price down $200 (more if you count the optic, mounting rail, and free mags).
How about getting the Masterpiece Arms MPA30 or MPA930?

Cheap, and I've heard that they can be bump-fired at about 1800rpm :O
Those MAC clones are Walter Mitty guns- ever see on used in tactical shooting competition? How about a Steyr M or S series? My S9 has been totally reliable, fits my hand, easy to hit with at SD ranges. I LOVE it.
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