what round to stop attacking racoon

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Apr 22, 2006
1st do you shoot and take a chance of hitting your child or do what this mom did.
2nd if you do shoot what round would you use.
3rd what a mom:cool::cool:


Cheshire, CT. -- "It had its teeth bared, the whole bit, and I just knew right there, that there was something wrong with it," said Denise Morrison.

A mother and three boys were walking home from a creek near their home in Cheshire, Connecticut when a raccoon, foaming at the mouth, charged them from the woods and attacked a 5-year-old boy.

The raccoon bit the boy's leg and would not let go.

"I got on top of it, with my knees, and I tried to open its mouth away from his leg, but I couldn't and so I just put more and more pressure on it with my knees and I started choking him and that loosened his jaws, and I that's when I got his leg away," said Morrison.

The boys ran for safety while the mom stayed and wrestled with the rabid raccoon.

"I had to stay there until it was dead because if I let go of it, it would've chased after them or bit me so I strangled it to death," Morrison said.

The mother and boy did receive rabies treatment at their local hospital.
Doesn't say what size the Racoon is, but a .22 would do for most of the ones I've seen. The woman did a great job and I hope most of us would be as brave. She really protected her brood. Have a good Racoon story but I'll save it till later.
At least a .22lr. Racoons can be mean and nasty, and around hereabouts they can get up towards 40lbs stealing cat & dog food. In case anyone forgets, pit bulls weigh 40 lbs and I'd be careful using a .22lr to stop a pit.

I used to shoot at the ones on my roof with a wrist rocket and .44cal cap'n ball roundshot and those only bounced off of them...
Clearly she didn't need a gun. A mother protecting her young is a force to be reconed with. I have taken many coons with .22, 380m 9mm, .223 and shotgun. IMO shotgun is best.
Many decades ago I was attacked by neighbors dog (that had gone mean/mad) I was 5yrs old and pulled my hood over my face/curled into ball (actually gave dog little to bite onto) and I still recall seeing my mom come RUNNING down sidewalk (rural farm) and she was really overweight. and KICK that dog off me. Dog was large and flew, hit end of chain and hit ground. (neighbor had chained it because it went mean) (I had played with dog in past so I and mom thought it would be ok)
Uhh... I'm not taking a shot at a raccoon if it's attached to my dog, let alone a child. Do as the mother did: Close distance and apply feet and fists as necessary. If you've got a knife on your belt or in pocket apply that as well.
I would prefer a chicken stuffed with explosives, but I don't think you get to pick what weapon (if any) you have when a raccoon attacks out of the blue.
Always be aware of the target and what's behind it. I'd probably have grabbed the racoon and pulled it away from the kid as much as possible, taken a second to make sure the bullet would hit the ground, and only the ground, after passing through the racoon, and shot it point blank with a .40, as both my carry guns are .40 S&W.
it's going to be your CCW most likely as that's what's on you.

I don't think you get to tell the raccoon, "Stop for a moment, let me go home and get my _________. I'll be back in 20 minutes."

so it'd be .40SW for me
I sure hope the kid is going to be okay, and the mom as well.
Rabid shots are not fun!

Rabid Racoon has bitten and is holding onto a child's leg.

I was not there. I do not know where/how the mom and kids were positioned.
Nor do I know what was behind the raccoon.
Jurisdiction and legal concerns about guns, and use? City?

I am not sure a firearm was the best tool for the task in this case.

I respect the mom and how she choose to handle this threat.
She had the mindset, she took action, her kid bitten and the other kid were able to distance themselves for safety, and the mom did not quit fighting until the threat was stopped.

She did fine in my book and I wish her and kid bitten and the other kid affected by this event all my best.
I wouldn't use a gun in that scenario. The Mom did just the right thing. I'd stomp it if I couldn't find something to club it with.

This happened in Chesire CT, the same town that recently had the tragedy
with the home invasion killings of nearly a whole family.
I googled a bunch of info and from what I can tell it is a somewhat conservative area with a lot of ranges, but seems to be leaning more toward clay/trap shooting then ccw.

Major Kudo's to the mom, who reminds me of my own mother who used a gun to protect me and my sisters when I was a wee lad in NYC.
I think Mom did a great job. She didn't panic and acted immediately with what she had available at the time. I think we can all learn a lesson from this. When threatened act immediately with what you to have to stop the threat.
Sounds like the mom did just fine. If I were her, I would just want a knife to kill the thing, I sure wouldn't be shooting the thing that close to a kid. She did great, just would have been nice to have a knife.
What a mom. She did just as she should have. There's no way I'd take a shot at an animal with my kid's leg in its mouth; too much risk of injury to the child from powder burns, ricochets, hot gas, bullet fragmentation, and hearing damage. Remember bullets can bounce off bones, especially .22s.

What a mom.
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