Shooting Bench Rests

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Feb 22, 2006
I'm looking for an entry level rifle rest. My outdoor range has nice concrete benches, but the sandbags are old and literally falling apart. I'll use it for sighting in hunting rifles (largest is a .308 for now) and weekend plinking. No competion or benchrest on the horizon, so I don't want - or rather, don't want to pay for - the absolute best out there. However, I don't want to replace it two years from now, either.

What would you recommend?
I'd get a Bucks Bag or something similar. I have a Benchmaster, but use it primarily for sight in or bullseye purposes.
IMO, Caldwell's Dead Shot set. They come either already filled with sand or not (for you to fill with whatever you want).
I've used plastic bank bags, with kitty litter. Not as heavy as sand. Vermiculite is even lighter. For that matter, you can use that "popcorn" packing plastic. Heck, go to Goodwill and buy a couple of pairs of socks. I've used a small block of 4x4 under the front sandbag, for that matter.

When next you turn a pair of Levi's (or Wranglers, Lee, generic blue-jeans) into cut-off shorts, save the newly dismembered legs. Nylon zip-tie the cut end closed. Fill the blue-jean "bags" with small-grade pea gravel (doesn't absorb water like rice, sand, kitty litter, etc.) and zip-tie the open-end closed with a big nylon zip-tie or two (makes it easy to empty at another time for storage or weight). Just like my first date, cheap & easy.
I have one of these "Lohman " sight vises, Made from real hard plastic , it has a small ccompartment under it to add weight if you wish, and padded vise Jaws. I reall like it. I think I payed $20.00 for it from e-bay.


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If you want to do one on the cheap get some 2 X 4 scrap 16 to 18 inches long, stack and nail them together. Cut the piece that goes on top of the stack at 45 degree angle and face the angle cuts toward each other to form a V notch. Cut a piece of scrap carpet and staple to the top and bottom of the wood stack and it will work pretty good for you. Plenty of scrap on constr sites. Just ask before you take.
I use the Calwell bag for the front rest for rifle and handgun and sand bags or old pillows for the rear support for rifles. If you want to buy bags, there are places that sell various sizes of coated bags. The blue jeans idea is a good one except I would sew the legs shut.
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