New pic.

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Wait. So why are you forcing the cat to defend you while you are shooting mice with your revolver?
Oops, one word I consistantly misspell, and I have no idea why. Sorry.

er... Armoredman, I hate to be the bearer of bad news... it's consistently:p

But hey, what's the differance? We're all freinds here, right?

Sorry, couldn't resist. I like the picture and I'm a fan of your posts.
I like it but am a bit confused by it. Is the size difference in the vermin or between the cat and the gun?

I think the feathered edges look nice and I don't think you make money doing this so amateur fits.
Justin, I AM an amateur. I have a cheap digital camera, a $20 tripod originally supposed to be for my Chrony, and a free editing program fram WalMart.
Thanks to the others for positive feedback.

JKimble, tanhk yuo. :D
So are you saying the cat is bigger then the pistol. That sounds right, So which is better the cat or pistol. Cat would make less noise and be more fun to watch !!!
BTW, I was doing something else completely when Star jumped up on the table there, quick snapshot. The box is with the 10-8, sorry. :)

Spelling corrected. I tihnk. ;)

This one done a few days ago. Really got to setup QUICK with cats...they don't pose.


Now dogs, they will pose, if they are good dogs.

"What gives? 16 responses into the thread, and no "9mm vs. .45 for mice" debate yet? I'm disappointed."
Everybody knows the Makarov is for mice.
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