Variations on a Theme (with a digression...)

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Feedback. (Sorry, Bogie -- going to risk being honest. You can take it!)

What is the deal with zombies? "Guns belong to paranoid nutcases who fear getting stuck inside a B-grade horror movie??" Bad meme there, I think.

Also, "driver only carries x rounds of ammunition" kind of insinuates that CCW people are prone to road rage, IMO. "Don't irritate the driver, or he'll blow your brains out and then reload ...?" *shudder* Even though it's been done elsewhere, I'd deep six that one. No need to perpetrate an ugly stereotype.

The rest are good.

The zombie ones are for the Correia market...

:D Oh, well, in that case ....

I take it back. :D

(But the bit about the other one? I meant that.)

Pretty good.

I especially like the Dissident one. The High Crime one runs a close second.


The donut shop one might be offensive to some LEOs.

The zombie face is a little shocking, but what the hey!
And I'm not sure how many ordinary citizens are familiar with the Zombie Concept...

(Although I did see copies of Brooks' "World War Z" displayed at the entrance to The Tattered Cover, a bookstore in Downtown Denver -- which means it's becoming more mainstream. I guess.)

The Five Rounds concept has been a little overworked in my opinion.

The rest are OK.
I like the zombie ones. But honestly if you do find yourself in such a situation as a Night Of The Living Dead, we all know you need a shotgun. So you might want to use a different .gif/.jpg which displays the better choice of weapon against the blight of the undead. While a revolver is better than nothing, it lacks the necessary "splat" factor that is needed to blow the zombie's head apart and send it back to hell.
Gee... Everyone knows that zombies are mobile biohazards as it is... Why would someone want to scatter the stuff? Best round for 'em is a .38 special wadcutter...

Now, what bumper sticker would YOU like to see?
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