New Indiana Jones Pic: ID this gun!

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The "Snakes" refrence made me laugh a bit.

I knew from the webbing that it wasn't our standard Webly, it was too.....different. It might just be there for it's aesthetics, just like there have been a recent number of pistols used for poster purposes which don't show up in the movie. (Forget one, but there was a recent movie for which a HK USP in the poster, and none made themselves known through the film).
Doctor Jones had a 1911 in Raiders of the Lost Ark when he was on the boat.

Actually, it's a Browning High Power. Freeze frame when he works the action in his cabin. It's pretty obvious when you can take a decent look. He uses the same gun, along with his S&W Hand Ejector 2 revolver, in the bar fight.

If you want to know all sorts of details and trivia about the costumes (jacket, hat, etc) and props, including guns, in the Indy movies go to:
For you Indy fans. A couple years ago I was hunting elk west of Center, Colorado and setting on a horse in the middle of a snowstorm my 9.3 MAUSER had ice and snow packed on the bolt and my Smith 629 Classic was packed with snow. I then decided I wanted a flap holster and my rifle went into a scabbard. I’ve looked around and couldn’t find a flap holster I liked. A holster I like is the Welby style that has the flap keeper coming from the side (Indy wears such a holster). Found a company in Ohio that makes such a holster I wish I could tell how I like it but it’s under the Christmas tree wrapped and my wife has dared me to open it. Something not right here I’m 61 years old and not allowed to look at my present.

hey i loved the Indiana Jones movies ! and i dont think i ever saw a Harrison ford movie I didnt like ! Plus the guy seems like a class act all the way across the board ! i will see it when it comes out ! Kevin
You know it might also be one of the 45 Colt caliber Webley-Kaufmanns that were made for the U.S.Army field tests a hundred years ago.

I know it's already been posted that he's using a Webley-Green or Webley-Goverment, but wouldn't it have been cool if it was a 45 caliber Webley-Kaufman? Or even a Webley-Fosbery. Nobody uses them in movies anymore.
God help us if they have "snakes on a plane" and there are adolescents/infantiles in the audience.
Indiana Jones and the Snakes of the Lost Plane! Starring Harrison Ford, Samuel L. Jackson, and snakes. On a plane.

Or even a Webley-Fosbery. Nobody uses them in movies anymore.
After Zardoz, who would dare? :p
Forget one, but there was a recent movie for which a HK USP in the poster, and none made themselves known through the film

16 Blocks with Bruce Willis ;) I'm sure you all know the annoyed looks when you complain about gun mistakes in movies from your friends:D

I loved the old Indiana Jones movies. I hope they don't include lots of special effects and computer stuff. That would really spoil it (for me at least).
cz22 wrote:
Indiana Jones will always carry a revolver. It's part of his charachter- it adds to the cowboy/archeologist aura.
Besides, autoloaders jam in the prescence of holy relics.

That is hysterical. I must steal that.
As if I needed another reason to go see the movie, I love anything with the Webley name on it.

I'm also glad he's still carrying the man-purse.
My MK VI I bought from an older gentleman 12-13 years ago for $75. Didn't have grips on it, and at the time, there weren't any aftermarkets like now. It is cut for .45 auto though, and I use very mild .45 AR in it (I have 3 boxes stashed just for it). I made the grips on a 1" belt sander at my Dads out of a walnut drawer front from a cabinet shop around the corner. Just wish it had the lanyard ring still. It's a fun gun to shoot, and reasonably accurate with swaged 250 gr. Colt bullets sized to .455.


I watch "ZULU" and enjoy Stanley Bakers Lt Chard reloading his between charges.

ps> If you like Webleys, how about a big bore Web, Webley actually chambered some in the .577 Trantor cartridge. :D

Maybe it won't be a good movie, but kudos to them for not giving him a Deagle or going all "Tomb Raider" on us. Apparently Mr. S. is even determined to avoid the "quick cut" style of modern action films in favor of traditional editing. BLESS HIM if that's the case. I can't stand quick cuts. Along with CGI the method has ruined most modern action films.

I wanted a flap holster and my rifle went into a scabbard

Hear him! All praise for FLAP HOLSTERS! I can't find them anywhere anymore. I blame CAS and too much floride in the water system. Everbody wants to be some quick draw expert. I want a fricking FLAP for my revolvers. Thanks for the link BTW. I'm all over that.

One that is cocked, finger on trigger, pointed down. Bad form, there, Dr Jones.

Maybe he's shooting at snakes!
Indiana Jones will always carry a revolver. It's part of his charachter- it adds to the cowboy/archeologist aura.
Besides, autoloaders jam in the prescence of holy relics.

Well, to pick nits he DID in fact use a BHP when he needed to lay down a lot of cover fire during the bar fight in the first film. But I think we can let a BHP or 1911 slide by.
Well Christmas is over and I got to open my new holster (Indy\Welby style) from Our Bandit Leather :). The workmanship and quality is excellent and fits perfect. Actually the holster was made for a 5" barrel but was made tade long so it also its my Model 57 6" barrel a little snug but I'm really satified. The Indy holster on their web site in oiled natural leather is actually mine. From the web site I'm considering the Tex-Mex style for the 1911. I highly recommend this company.

Have a good day.

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