anyone paint their rifle sights?

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Oct 13, 2007
i have a 20" 870 barrel with rifle sights. on a recent outdoor shooting trip, i was having a little trouble aquiring a clear sight picture, and was thinking of replacing the sights with some aftermarket products.
after doing some research i think i'm going to just leave them alone...or use this stuff:

anyone use this stuff?
should i just repaint white, or maybe so with contrasting colors (white/red, red/green)

what do you think?
i have done pretty much the same to my sights as what you are thinking about with the stuff you linked on your thread , but with a paint pen that i got from an arts and crafts store (i think they even carry the paint pens at wally world ?) only about $2 each for same colors on your link. works fine for me.
Ask your wife nicely if you can see her nail polish collection. Usually plenty of bright colors there.

Make sure she understands what you want it for to avoid any misunderstandings.
If you want those sights to really stand out then find yourself a local watchmaker and ask him if you could either acquire some radio luminescent paint from him or pay him a small fee to have him paint your sights for you. Its white or slightly off white during the day then at night it glows in the dark.
I use the brightsights product on my guns. I am more than happy with the results. I usually do mix the colors, white and yellow or the like. The thing I like about the product is that I painted one Ruger pistol over twenty years ago and it is still bright and fully intact.
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