Sniper hat

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Nov 20, 2009
I'm not sure if this is a rifle or a gear question. Is there a name for the big floppy hat used by the guy in the latest Rambo movie who carries the Barrett? It looks like he flops it down over the scope to create shade. I'm new to rifles and looking to learn more about what I see, even if movies aren't always close to reality.
do a google image search for boonie hat and see if that's what you're tlaking about.
(btw, it's not associated with snipers or sniping particularly)
(edit: i haven't actually seen the movie, so i'm completely guessing here based on your description of the hat)
haha I just watched that movie today, wow talk about action. Rambo is truely a movie BAD ASS. But the sniper with the big hat I would guess its just regular hat that you can buy anywhere online. It might be beneficial in a real sunny situation but I dont think its anything special.
Probably a boonie cap. I wear one while working out in the yard. It's well-ventilated, has a sweat band, and keeps the sun out of my eyes and off my neck. Don't much care for it while shooting. The brim on the side doesn't work well with muffs.
Haven't seen the movie either, but would bet that it's the boonie hat mentioned by Tkopp and pictured by Sam1911. John Plaster ( claims that it helps to break up the outline of the human head, thus aiding concealment. I am still waiting for the one that comes with a rail mount, for the ultimate in tacticalitiousness (sp).
The hat is commonly called a "boonie hat" but also a "rain hat", "fishing hat", or "Gillian Cap". Either way, you can get them at just about any outdoors store.
Referencing post 7 above: In competition circles it can be used to psych out your squad-mates by convincing them that you can't see your sights, the gun, or much beyond the ground around your feet.

"He shoots purely on intuition! Uncanny!" :cool:
I have seen the movie but it's been awhile. My guess would be a boonie hat. They are comfy and you can find them at any surplus-outdoor store. Think I might rent the movie again today.
I have 2 vintage ones ( read I am old) Wife says i look like a psycho when i wear them, then again.....
Really good in the woods and in the sun and I find it does help me sight better
I still have mine from the service. I not only gives you shade up front, but covers that white bare spot on the back of the neck where the barber decided to remove my hair from and the sun always find to burn the hell out of... Oh yea and it covers the tips of the ears. Anything to prevent sunburn when your out for days on
Thanks for the replies. Today I learned that either the Rambo movies were awful, or gun enthusiasts don't watch gun related movies, since most haven't seen it.

Watching others shoot on film is so-so. Watching Hollywood shoot canons with pop can silencers that make no noise is funny the first few times, but after while it gets frustrating :( For the sake of movie pacing, they can't take time to set up a gun shot that might actually work, but still - they make the whole sport look like a cake walk. It would be nice if they'd step up the realism a bit?
I recommend you try one of these; in addition to shading your eyes and protecting you from the sun, they also protect your forehead from low branches. ;)


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Janos, do they work well? I have often thought about getting one, but the funny looks, stiffness, and presumed weight (never wore one so I don't know about this) have always kept me away from them. I do like the fact that they are well ventilated and shade the neck well (I burn easily). I might have to give one a would be a great accessory for my .375H&H Mauser. :D
Maverick223 said:
Janos, do they work well? I have often thought about getting one, but the funny looks, stiffness, and presumed weight (never wore one so I don't know about this) have always kept me away from them. I do like the fact that they are well ventilated and shade the neck well (I burn easily). I might have to give one a would be a great accessory for my .375H&H Mauser.

I've never done any serious shooting in the hat, so I can't say for certain; the neck shading part may make it hard to shoot while prone. It's also true they do not fold up and fit in a pocket like a boonie hat, but being made of something like cork, they weigh practically nothing; they also do a great job of shading my eyes. As for looks, I sometimes use mine when I'm mowing the lawn. Yes, I get stares, but I think a little fear that I am crazy on the part of my neighbors (especially the ones who are convicted drug dealers) is a healthy thing. And the hat has saved me from getting bumped by tree limbs more than once.

I bought mine a year and a half ago at the big D&D convention, GenCon Indianapolis; for $30, I just couldn't say 'no' once I'd tried it on. It would be kind of cool to be able to get one in digital camouflage, just for laughs.
I have been trained as a sniper ("I'm not a REAL sniper, I just play one on TV"), and if I remember the movie, he had a boonie hat (a common item in use by our guys in Viet Nam), but his may have been "decorated" with some camo netting and appropriate "foilage", often strips of colored burlap, 3-D Dupont synthetic leaves, etc), which can be flipped out of the way, over the hat, and then swung down to drape over the rear of the scope, breaking up the profile of the head, face, scope, and rear of the rifle. I have some ghillie suits with some hats that work that way. You stitch some netting to the boonie hat, and add the camo pieces that best fit the surroundings. I'll try to get a picture up. I mostly made mine up to hide my face, and play down the signature of my glasses (which present their own special problem when trying to hide in the wild.) I can see why a guy who does not need glasses would be first choice for a sniper.
As for looks, I sometimes use mine when I'm mowing the lawn. Yes, I get stares, but I think a little fear that I am crazy on the part of my neighbors (especially the ones who are convicted drug dealers) is a healthy thing.
Lol, I think you out have me convinced...doesn't mean i'll be getting rid of the boonies any time soon, but it sounds like it might be a worthwhile addition.

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