Lets see your office/computer area

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Here's the hideout....could do with a maid.
Note to anyone taking pictures of your office - you might want to take a second to remove anything potentially damaging before you snap that photo... Such as in this photo above... the area is a mess... and this is forgivable. Messes happen and guys can get busy and not have time to clean it up. However if you look to the far right of the image...
"Cookie Monster"?
This is going to haunt Mpayne for some time to come.
remove anything potentially damaging
And my "X-files" Ken & Barbie aren't damaging? :) Or my autographed R. Lee Ermey action figure? Lego space shuttle? Megabloks submarine? Perhaps the autographed Michael Jordan basketball offsets some of the embarrassment. :D

Call me a cynic, but it is obvious you did some major cleaning up before you took that picture!:D :D :D

Call me a cynic, but it is obvious you did some major cleaning up before you took that picture!

Nah, you're a cynic. Not everyone is messy. Both me and my wife are sort of obsessive/compulsive (our favorite show is "Monk") and our entire house is as neat and tidy as my computer room. Sorry. :)
Yikes! :D :D

I wish I could keep up with stuff like that. But since I can't, I have to believe you are crazy!:D :D You must be like Tom Hank's character (Turner) from "Turner and Hooch."

Sadly, Mpayne is a little closer to my place.
I would post a picture of my computer, but it's made of old sticks and leaves and bailing wire. I know you guys would really dig my 5 & 1/4" floppy drive.
Clay. My Daughter made it in an art class.


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hahah ....... no .. I meant the ''gun'' shape ..... lil handgun thingie??? :p From center ..... up a tad and right a bit!

That face tho is excellent .... very fine piece of work ... kudos to your daughter.
It's a Daisy Buck Rogers air gun. Belonged to my Father-in-Law.
Sisco, for some reason when I first saw that pic, I got mad because I thought you were from Scotland. It was because of the 13 star flag.

Then I saw that you are from Kansas (KS) and I got very happy.

Why is that? I feel like there's an American NAZI sitting in the back of my head with a bullwhip.

I have to admit, I'm semi-brainwashed, but I'm doing my best to overcome it. I swear to (gasp) God.
I know what you're talking about, WonderNine. It's kind of like belonging to a big family: we'll criticize each other, but criticism from outside tends to raise our hackles. You know, a "No one beats up my little brother but me" sort of thing.

Most of these computer desks are pretty clean compared to mine. I'd post a pic, but I'd hate to lose that much esteem! :eek:
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