Penn and Teller: Gun Control BS

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Midnight Oil

Dec 27, 2012
I did a quick search, and it seems like the last time this video was posted was back in 2007? If it's been posted recently, i apologize, but this video seems very relevant in terms of the way things have recently been going. This is an episode of B.S. in its entirety, split into 3 parts, dealing with the subject of gun control. A quick heads up, there is some harsh language :)cuss:)!
Yeah, there's always harsh language with P&T...but no biggie I guess :) While I couldn't disagree with them more about religion (FYI, Penn Gillettte LOVES folks who vehemently disagree with him), I sure do appreciate and agree with some of the other stuff they come up with, including and especially regarding the ineffectiveness and authoritarianism of gun control.
Yeah. These guys are very opinionated, and tend to be very passionate on the subjects they tackle on BS, but they bring up some very good points in this episode, and give a great rundown on the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Something many of our politicians and fellow citizens (mainly due to MSM) seem to willfully misunderstand...
I don't think their analysis of what "militia" means is correct, but their hearts are in the right place.
I have had that episode for quite a long time. Stick with the series long enough and you will see Jillette take different stances on related issues. Outside his BS show (BS for THR, not how I feel about it) such as when he was on Celebrity Apprentice, he does not hold the same views as strongly as on BS.
Penn & Teller are a lot like George Carlin for me. Even though I don't always agree with them, it doesn't make them less entertaining. The "BS" series was pretty fun to watch.
I have had that episode for quite a long time. Stick with the series long enough and you will see Jillette take different stances on related issues. Outside his BS show (BS for THR, not how I feel about it) such as when he was on Celebrity Apprentice, he does not hold the same views as strongly as on BS.

i'm not sure of other subjects, but penn jillette seems to have stayed true to his stance on pro gun rights. he was recently on some talk show discussing guns/violence/sandy hook, and he seems to be one of the few level headed people out there that's able to get on to tv to help sort through this massive dis/misinformation campaign. Don't blame movies, music, games, comics, and guns. blame the criminals!

Penn & Teller are a lot like George Carlin for me. Even though I don't always agree with them, it doesn't make them less entertaining. The "BS" series was pretty fun to watch.

BS was an awesome series. i've been a fan of there magic shows for a long while now. Penn and Teller Fool Us was awesome! :D
Walmart for one. First, they did an episode bashing them, then another episode praising them.

were they condemning and then praising them for the same reasons?

because you can bash someone for one reason, but praise them for another....

Adolf Hitler could be praised for his uniting of Germany, and then Condemned for the obvious.
I believe they were flip flopping, but it's been a few years. I seem to remember them bashing WM for treating employee's bad, then praising them for treating them great.
I don't recall which episode specifically but they actually made a joke regarding their conflicting views on a subject between two different episodes. I wana say it had something to do with pesticides or organic food.

Regardless, one must remember that their show is about entertainment first, information second.
I believe in the BS show, they are attempting to show the BS in the arguments and that may not or may be the same as their PERSONAL view

If I remember correctly, Penn's personal view isn't 'RKBA Friendly' rather (much like I got the best debater in the world to admit - no seriously, got in RKBA with a guy at college, found out a week later he just happened to be the captain of the debate team that won the international collegiate debates)

You can admit that you PERSONALLY don't like, or hold the view you are arguing, and admit that there are MAJOR logic issues with it, such as gun control and admitting that it is nothing more than window dressing and fails to address any of the issues of violence, while still saying that you don't like guns and something 'needs to be done'

the question then is just the issue of 'what needs to be done'
OH, and check their take on us, folks as they put it, we don't do ourselves many favors.
MO; thanks for the post.
I had forgotten about that show.


:) np. it's been a while since i've seen it as well, just happened to stumble upon this episode again. it feels refreshing to see a RKBA piece, considering the current situation we're in, regardless of how old that show/clip is. Gotta take a break from all this hate we're receiving every once in a while! ;)
If I remember correctly, Penn's personal view isn't 'RKBA Friendly' rather (much like I got the best debater in the world to admit - no seriously, got in RKBA with a guy at college, found out a week later he just happened to be the captain of the debate team that won the international collegiate debates)

Penn Jillette is an outspoken libertarian. It's hard to keep that philosophy and simultaneously be anti-gun.

Here he is on Sandy Hook, on a show full of squawking hens. He gets visibly annoyed because everyone talks over him while he tries to inject facts and correct errors made by the hens.
I don't see much, if any, double talk in the Penn & Teller shows. As was mentioned before, you can speak out against something (such as some Walmart practices) while praising other things about them. What would be intellectually dishonest would be to take a stand 100% against someone or something when you'd otherwise praise other aspects according to whatever your standards happen to be.
He (and Teller) will speak out against organized religion, but on another show (or even the same one) they'll come out strongly for everyones' freedom to practice their own faith. What they oppose is the imposition of rules and "faith" on people who disagree, and the ultimate expression of your freedom is your ability to say "No, thanks."

However, I will say I haven't watched every bit of material they've produced, so I'd love to see a real example of where they may have contradicted themselves.
Here he is on Sandy Hook, on a show full of squawking hens. He gets visibly annoyed because everyone talks over him while he tries to inject facts and correct errors made by the hens.

This is the show i was referring too in one of my earlier posts (#10) Although he doesn't say it outright ("i'm pro gun!"), the things he says makes one think that he does have at the very least a non-anti stance on the subject. Everyone on the show is saying it's the guns, movies, games, etc, as penn's face starts turning red from an increase in blood pressure :D!

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