I received an email from the Pres today, did anyone else?

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I'm not exactly clear what you're saying.

Did you receive a reply from the Office of the President of the United States in reply to a pro 2A letter sent through Ruger or Smith and Wesson's letter writing website?

my father and i both included our ranks when we sent out letters. im an e-3 and got 2 form letter responses, my dad is a retired 0-6 and got 4 form responses and 2 personal emails...
I got it too, notice it was a no-reply correspondence. I'll write a response to counter all his points and send it off. Don't expect another reply as I haven't from any of my gun restriction senators or congressmen.
Got it too...basically it states his intentions are to do what he has on his agenda no matter we say. It thanks you for writing him, but he's going to do what he wants. PERIOD...not my type of leader...and to use "the children" as a priority to fulfill this makes me sick.

My proposals are...locking your guns if you have kids or atleast out of reach or any way they can find them or get to them, a safe RSC, and show your kids love and that they are important to you and they matter...don't blame it on games, movies, or tv...its about how you spend your time with your kid...pretty commonsense approach to me...and look it didn't take a new law for any of these...

Then again there are those few (Nutjobs) but like I SAID FEW out of the millions of us who own guns responsibly...
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Same here - exact same one; I started to write back but my language got a bit vitriolic so will do so tomorrow when I am a bit more calm/rational.
While reducing gun violence is a complicated challenge, protecting our children from harm should not be a divisive one.
Translation: "Why won't you ******** just do what I say?":banghead:

A "Complicated" problem deserving a simple solution, huh? :rolleyes:

Got mine yesterday too, same format as the one posted on here.
Wow they must have done one heck of a mass emailing yesterday
Maybe we should send a common response an clog their system
I did too. "I support the RTKBA...BUT"

This is essentially what I have gotten from one Senator (Testor) and the one House Rep (Daines) both recently elected.

"I am a father...blah, blah blah, outraged by Newton, blah blah blah, and have always supported the Second Amendment, blah, blah, politispeak, blah."

We will see who we can trust by what they do not what they say.
I also got the regurgitated form letter. I'm going to make a paper airplane out of it, tape a firecracker with a short fuse to it, at the center of gravity, light it, launch it, have a good laugh, and go inside and write more senators/reps. here in AR, and inside the beltway.
Akita, and others, don't even try to reply to that email. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts it came from an unattended address.

It essentially reads word-for-word what he said even before the Ruger contact link was created, so it likely was drafted long before you, or anyone else, sent your emails.

"I'm President Barack (Hussein) Obama, and I approve this message, and no others."
Wow! Obama's letters are just as smarmy and arrogant as his speaches. IMHO (even with politics aside) he seems like are real cocky jerk. Just my .02 on the guy's personality. Even if I was sick in the head and agreed with his politics, the guy's attitude really makes me not like him.

Now, let's talk about the Anti-2A crowds new buzzword. "Common Sense." More importantly, let's talk about some of the "common sense" things we have learned from them.....

Feinstein: "You can hunt humans..." (Cool! When is Grey-Headed Dingbat Season? Anyone know if Eastern Lizard Neck Coots are considered varmits or do you need a permit?)

Biden: "Fire both barrel up in the air..." (Awesome! I forgot that gravity stops at 30 feet and the buckshot won't come down and hurt anything. Also, I think it is very smart to completely empty your weapon in the opposite direction of a threat while being attacked. Good advice!)

These things are common sense! Good to know.
Got it too...basically it states his intentions are to do what he has on his agenda no matter we say. It thanks you for writing him, but he's going to do what he wants. PERIOD...not my type of leader...and to use "the children" as a priority to fulfill this makes me sick.

My proposals are...locking your guns if you have kids or atleast out of reach or any way they can find them or get to them, a safe RSC, and show your kids love and that they are important to you and they matter...don't blame it on games, movies, or tv...its about how you spend your time with your kid...pretty commonsense approach to me...and look it didn't take a new law for any of these...

Then again there are those few (Nutjobs) but like I SAID FEW out of the millions of us who own guns responsibly...
Welcome to the political scene of the 21st century. They go to college together, they take the same political science classes, they belong to the same fraternities/sororities, most become lawyers, and they all know that we live in a two party system.

Once they decide where they want to live, they choose the party that will provide them the best chance of making it to washington and they tell those voters whatever they want to hear in order to get elected.
Aw, gee. I didn't get one. I thought I was special but I'm starting to believe "they" were talking about something else. Anyway, it's another one of those "It's for the children!" dancing routines I see. Seriously? In what way would ANY of this have an immediate improvement on children's safety?? Anyone? Bueler? That's right. Banning any and ALL guns will have zero immediate affect other than emptying many house and senate seats. Personally, I'd like to see some immediate actions to improve our safeties and that starts with issuing a gun along with every social security card. Those that DON'T want a gun should be the ones having to jump through hoops proving why not, rather than those of us that do want them having to do just that. OK, I'm done ranting. Sorry. But I'm simply sick of "it's for the children" always being followed by proposals which do nothing at all to protect anyone. Of course I'm not alone and know that, but word just needs to get out.
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