My first S&W

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Wolfman Zack

Sep 8, 2014
Here is the first S&W revolver I have owned, I traded an old Ruger 9mm auto for it at the local gun show.

It is a police trade in Model 10-6 heavy barrel in .38 special, that was made in 1970.

I added the Hogue cocobolo grips because they are much more comfortable in hand than the factory grips, and fit me better.

Let me know what you guys think. :)

It won't be your last, that's for sure!

They tend to multiply when you least expect it.
Kinda like barn cats!

Nice man. I love my Smiths. Yeah , watch out cuz they breed like rabbits when you can least afford to feed another mouth.
Find some Flitz and shine up that frame. Otherwise, beautiful. I've got a stainless version of that. I love S&W wheel guns!
Wolfman Zack

Nice Model 10! Second the notion of cleaning up the bluing on your revolver with some Flitz. Does not harm or remove bluing and works wonders at cleaning away rust and any other built up residue.
I like your old 10! I would try a gentle rub with scotch pad on the barrel - emphasis on GENTLE. A little grease on the scotch pad. Rig grease , not a lot of elbow grease.
That is one heck of a first S&W revolver to buy alright. I'm a huge fan of the M&P (Model 10) and I'm sure you will like that revolver.

I have also carried a 4" M10 and I did it comfortably with a DeSantis Speed Scabbard abt there are plenty of good holsters around you can use.

Don't forget the range report!
Welcome to the forum...
Not too shabby at all. :)

When you DO get another, be sure to put it in the opposite side of the safe as thisn'. Like rc said, they do tend to breed a bit. and then you'll be buying another safe, Then another house for the next safe, and...
Wolfman said:
Let me know what you guys think.

I think the Model 10 is one of the most ideal handguns ever produced. It just does so many things so well. I predict you'll be very pleased with how it handles and shoots.
Congrats! Hard to find a better general purpose revolver than a K frame. With the right holster they really aren't that hard to carry concealed. Enjoy!
Nice old S&W! My first was/is a pristine 6" 586 that I got for a song. Those old Smiths make you appreciate fine craftsmanship from a time gone by and they will definitely grow on you. FWIW the 586 is very carryable in a shoulder holster under a sport coat and I am kind of a short guy. Enjoy your find. As for the multiplying thing...:D
Thanks guys, I am hoping to get out and shoot it soon.

I definately agree that it needs a light polishing, I will have to do that as soon as time allows.
In reality I wouldn't worry too much about the finish as long as it's a good shooter. I suggest some 0000 steel wool soaked with a good gun oil like Rem Oil. When the rust is gone you can feel the difference, it feels smooth, then stop...
I love my Model 10-6. They are great revolvers and will carry just fine with a good gun belt and sturdy holster. The 4in. Model 10 really is a great all purpose revolver.
Love it. I have a thing for the old HB m10's, got a 10-8 that shoots like a dream.
good trade
Well, I took her out to the back lot and fired a few rounds at a old oil can today.
First shot was dead on, and they stayed real close to the mark when I did my part.

The action was as smooth as anything I have ever shot, and the balance is great.
These new grips made a world of difference too.

Loving this old wheelgun. :)
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