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  • Users: Flynt
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  1. F

    CDNN Sports?

    I live in Texas, so CDNN has to collect sales tax from me. Even taking that into account, I have gotten some screaming deals from them over the years.
  2. F

    ? .22 LR test results, 27 types

    I’ve got 3 22 pistols and 5 rifles. I just buy CCI SV for simplicity’s sake. It shots consistently well in all the guns, but one 10/22 prefers the Federal bulk target. To me, it’s not worth it to buy several different 22 loads to achieve perfection. It’s a different story for my center fire...
  3. F

    How do stores price used firearms?

    One thing about stores like Cabelas: If you are trading for one of their guns, you can save a lot on sales tax. They lower the price of the new gun in the amount of your trade in, which reduces sales tax. I'm still usually better off selling my guns on Gunbroker, but a trade in can be handy...
  4. F

    I made a little progress with a "progressive" Speaking of the "hard left," there are several groups like one in the link above, including the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, the Redneck Revolt, and the John Brown Gun Club. I stumbled across these the other day, and it appears that they have one...
  5. F

    NPR Story on Marine Suppressor Experiment

    Not sure what relevance the NFA language has in this context -- and for what it's worth, I was aware that NFA refers to "silencers," and I own several. As others have noted on this forum, many opponents of relaxing NFA rules regarding such devices promote the "Hollywood quiet" myth. They use...
  6. F

    NPR Story on Marine Suppressor Experiment This was a refreshingly knowledgeable and unbiased story about the Marines' suppressor trials. I think it's been reported on elsewhere on the board, but I was glad to see NPR getting it right when it comes...
  7. F

    CMP to get 1911s

    Thanks for posting this, but for clarity's sake, please note that it's not a done deal yet. The House passed language requiring the release of surplus 1911's, but it still has to be approved by the Senate.
  8. F

    Hypothetical situation.

    Long arm open carry has been legal in Texas forever (handgun open carry was legalized two years ago), I'm a 66 YO native Texan, and I've never seen anyone toting a rifle or shotgun around. As people have said, it's just too awkward.
  9. F

    When to look for signs of deer

    I'm trying to teach myself about whitetail deer hunting, so please bear with me and my basic question: What time of year should I expect to see signs of deer population, such as tracks, scat, rubs, etc.? My wife and I are looking at buying a 40 acre property in East Texas, Wood County. About...
  10. F

    Firearms cultural differences

    The last time I was in a grocery store in the UK, I noticed a sign warning that the little plastic picnic knives were restricted to persons over 18. A couple of years ago my wife was working on a project in a law office in London and asked for scissors; they gave her some kind of child-proof...
  11. F

    Cimarron quality control

    It appears that you bought it online. If so, what kind of rating did the dealer have? As a last resort, you might try contacting the site.
  12. F

    Building FrankenGuns

    When you say "entirely aftermarket parts," do you really that literally? When I think of building a gun, I envision using a factory receiver or frame with all or most of the other parts being aftermarket. I guess there are a few aftermarket receivers out there -- such as 10/22's...
  13. F

    Educated some family today. It was a good day.

    Great story. How old are the kids?
  14. F

    Gun Art I guess...

    I'll agree with them on one thing: the best way to stop cartel violence is to end or seriously change the War on Drugs. Hasn't reduced consumption in U.S.; has just financed gangs on both sides of the border.
  15. F

    WWII British Lanchester carbine/submachine gun: refinish or not?

    Two observations that might be useful: First, check out the Lancaster display guns sold by International Military Antiques: They're going for $400 or less, so that ought to provide a general sense of the gun's value. Second, speaking...
  16. F

    As gun sales soared into record highs, accidental gun deaths sank to record lows

    Yep. In Japan, with virtually no guns in private hands, suicide rate is many times that of U.S. Different culture.
  17. F

    NPR Story on Hearing Protection Act

    I'm sorry if I've confused the matter. I'm not aware of whether or not the bill requires threaded barrels. I would doubt it, but I'll defer to those who are familiar with it. I was just trying to point out something that I think is missed in the news coverage I've seen -- the fact that even if...
  18. F

    NPR Story on Hearing Protection Act FYI. It ain't perfect, but it appears to be an attempt to present a balanced discussion of the issue. I was particularly interested in the fact that the reporter went to SilencerCo in Utah...
  19. F

    Hunter & Guides hit each other with "Friendly Fire"

    For someone who is not a lawyer, you seem pretty confident lecturing about Texas criminal law. I'm not an attorney, but I do know that Texas law allows use of deadly force not only if you reasonably believe you're in danger but for protection of property. So yes, you can shoot somebody for...