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  1. H

    Riddle of the Sphinx

    I am the proud owner of a Sphinx AT 2000 P that I bought well used at a gun show for just a little more than a CZ would run, and have enjoyed shooting for several years now. (For those who don't know, it's essentially a high quality Swiss-made clone of a CZ-75 compact.) Recently I noticed that...
  2. H

    340PD cylinder erosion

    That's exactly the same kind of erosion and S&W themselves admitted to my friend it's caused by flame cutting into the titanium and not Hoppes. They are replacing his cylinder. They will likely yours as well. Maybe there was just a certain number of them whose titanium wasn't quite up to snuff...
  3. H

    340PD cylinder erosion

    I meant he never fired 110 grain loads OR anything lighter. He says the lowest he's gone is 125, and only a few times. Anyway, he called S&W and they sent him a shipping label and it's on the way back for a new, free cylinder. Just to complete the thread for anyone's future reference.
  4. H

    340PD cylinder erosion

    The titanium cylinder on my friend's 340PD is getting some weird erosion on it. He says he's only shot it 250 times and that he has NEVER fired loads lighter than 110 grains like the billboard on the barrel warns. Supposing he's not lying, I can only assume the strength treatment isn't quite up...
  5. H

    Freedom Arms single-action problem

    Problem turned out to be the the new spring was slightly bent in shipping. Bent it back with some pliers and it's back in action. Problem solved. And I agree the freedom arms crew are good folks. They sent me the new spring free of charge even though I bought the gun used. If only the US mail...
  6. H

    Freedom Arms single-action problem

    I just installed a new cylinder lock spring in a Freedom Arms 83 after its original gave out after many, many cockings. Installation seemed fairly easy, but now the gun will only enter half cock when aimed downward. The trigger return spring acts on the trigger before and after cocking, but in...
  7. H

    Freedom Arms rear sight

    I should add that it is a used gun and not necessarily a factory defect but just as or more likely some strange attempt at a repair by a previous owner.
  8. H

    Freedom Arms rear sight

    I bought a Freedom Arms 83 Premier grade on the internet and just picked it up today. Everything looks about perfect on it but the rear sight, while calibrated to shoot dead on at 75 yards, looks a little odd to me. Is this kind of asymmetry normal? What's going on there?
  9. H

    What did Hemingway carry?

    Crippling depression.
  10. H

    Favorite "gun" scene in a movie?

    I could not disagree more. I have never seen a love for a country and a population better conveyed than by actually quite a few of Altman's films. It's just a love that comes with a deep understanding and a sadness over the insanities and insecurities that come with it. I can't think of anything...
  11. H

    Favorite "gun" scene in a movie?

    There's one movie that has done that at least as well. http://movieclips.com/GihEj-mccabe-and-mrs-miller-movie-kid-kills-cowboy/
  12. H

    delete please

    Oh those are "speed holes!" They're there to reduce the cumbersome weight of its resale value, I guess.
  13. H

    Why S W 686 NO Dash models not selling

    The early ones did have like a floating hand with a tendency to make the trigger a little crunchier than later models.
  14. H

    +P in a Cobra?

    I own a '68 Colt Cobra in practically mint condition that looks like it has barely been fired. It has a hairline fracture under the barrel that was there when I bought it (I like it enough just for its looks, and it got me a 90% discount). Either someone managed to fire it many thousands of...
  15. H

    '49 Colt Officers Model Special - What To Do?

    Walkalong -- You are from Alabama? Your Diamondback wasn't this one by any chance? As to the OP, the above link may be of use in making your decision. They still do great great work, but it took nine months to get mine back, and the lady on the phone said they aren't taking any guns for...
  16. H

    Diamondback in the rough

    My pictures aren't doing it justice. There were deep dents in it before--gouges even, and they are completely gone now. And yet the marks and stampings are completely intact. Whoever they have working the buffing wheel at Colt is an artist.
  17. H

    Diamondback in the rough

    Sadly, I didn't take many "before" photos so these two will have to suffice. Sadder still, I'm taking these with a damned telephone but I will get my photographer friend to whip up something better tonight. I should keep some anti-venom around with this many snakes in my house.
  18. H

    Diamondback in the rough

    Since they have to polish the gun with the sideplate on straight, though, my hope is that it's safe to assume they worked out that particular ill-fitting sideplate kink.
  19. H

    Diamondback in the rough

    A very nice and helpful lady said they were very behind in their repair queue but are actually managing to catch up with it. She took my e-mail and offered to personally check on it and expedite it if it wasn't on the way already. The next morning I got this email. So I certainly can't...
  20. H

    Diamondback in the rough

    So I still haven't gotten my gun back, but nor have I heard of any problems springing up. I sent the Diamondback at the beginning of November, received the letter and paid it at the end of October. It's been almost eight months since I sent the gun, six since I paid for the work. Is this normal...