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  1. I

    What makes an illegal handgun?

    None of those are illegal, they are taxed, controlled, registered, and so on. If your papers are in order then it is lawful to own. It's mere existence is not illegal, especially since such weapons are popular in the military.
  2. I

    What makes an illegal handgun?

    ...drugs" but there is nothing I am aware of in this nation that one cannot own with the proper paperwork. Cocaine, for example, is a controlled substance and is legally produced, owned, and used medically. Even those *evil* guns like submachine guns are legal to own if "your papers are in order".
  3. I

    Are Gun Owners In The Majority ?

    I thought about giving a single shot shotgun or some other cheap but effective firearm as a gift but I'm not so sure how well that would go over. I think that some of my family think I'm nuts because I own two long arms. My brother even brought up the "you are 40 times more likely to kill...
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    Huffington Post: No Right to Bear Arms

    Assuming that it is true that there is a correlation in gun ownership and getting shot I'll point to another plausible correlation, stores with bars on the windows tend to get robbed. A bit too subtle, perhaps? Some people may be confused by my analogy, those tend to be the people I would...
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    My frustration with the NRA and other RKBA activist organizations

    I am also looking for a RKBA activism group I can stand behind. I'm not looking very hard though, I've got priorities for my time and funds. I agree that the NRA has its faults, but not fighting for all of our rights is not one of them. It is called the National RIFLE Association after all...
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    Can you trust this candidate...

    What is a "communal freedom"? Sounds a bit too close to "collective right" for me. You know, that little lie that the Second Amendment is to protect the right of the state to raise a militia? There is no such thing as a "communal freedom". People have rights. The government has powers...
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    Misinterpreted Acronyms

    RTKBA == Privilege to keep and bear arms.
  8. I

    What "reasonable restrictions" should we accept for full auto

    Think a minute about WHY those firearm laws are not enforced. Suppose we have a fellow with the following charges: - possession of weapon by previous offender - armed robbery - motor vehicle theft - felony speeding - evading police/resisting arrest - reckless endangerment - possession of...
  9. I

    Lawyer: Heller Says Felons Can Have Guns At Home For Protection

    I am of the mind that allowing a person the freedom to own a home but not the freedom to defend it is borderline cruel and unusual punishment. Once a felon is released from prison their right to self defense needs to be restored. Just because a person broke the law does not mean they won't be...
  10. I

    Stargate Atlantis gun

    Overwhelming numbers. Quantity has a quality all its own.
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    Another Texan Defends His Neighbor

    Did this happen at night? It seems the law is a bit more lenient on the use of lethal force at night.
  12. I

    Those fearing violence believe they have right to carry, conceal their weapons

    lawyer: Why did you rob that bank? accused: Because that is where the money is. Hmmmm..... lawyer: Why did you rob that house? accused: Because that is where the guns are. If we would just let the criminals buy their guns then they wouldn't have to resort to steeling them! I'm...
  13. I

    Felons slip through cracks in system to carry firearms

    How, exactly, does someone "accidentally" print someone's name on a permit? If the firearm licensing was through the driver license division then what were they doing for background checks? Were they looking at speeding tickets and parking violations? I have to wonder if they weren't just...
  14. I

    What "reasonable restrictions" should we accept for full auto

    I believe in the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. They saw the need in explicitly forbidding the government from denying one's ability to defend themselves. A vending machine on the corner would certainly be acceptable to me. The primary deterrent to having 10 year olds from buying firearms in...
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    "Only Feds Can Carry in Here..."

    I'd like to comment on the "just leave it in the car" comments. When in college I walked or biked nearly everywhere. The bus was nearly always packed and parking was painful, I'd invariably end up walking quite a distance anyway so I tended to avoid motor transport. So I can imagine myself...
  16. I

    What "reasonable restrictions" should we accept for full auto

    Full autos should be treated like any other firearm. Well, I suppose a firmer grip than on a semi is called for. Since we are treating full autos as any other firearm the only restriction I think reasonable is showing proof of age before a purchase. Even that I'm torn about since "proof of...
  17. I

    Gun Rights of New Yorkers May Rest on Case of Hot Dog Vendor

    You may see the difference, I do not. If you do not register then they take your gun. If you do not get a license (or a license is refused) you don't get a gun in the first place. Either way you are asking the government's permission to own that firearm, permission denied and you don't have a...
  18. I

    the new orleans gun grab continues

    That is the first thing that came to my mind after reading the first bit about how the weapon was taken and no receipt issued. Last I checked ATF and FBI take stolen firearms very seriously. Another thing I found just plain odd was the asking if there was a receipt. :confused: Judging from...
  19. I

    Update on Iowa CCW bill-- HF 2092

    I heard somehow somewhere that the bill went into some kind of limbo since the congressional session closed and no vote was taken. So it's not "dead" and it's not law. It's... it's... some kind of zombie! :what: Of course I could be completely wrong.
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    "Hand over the money or I will kill you!"

    WOW, quite a response I've received. After reading the posts here and thinking about what my co-worker said I'm not so sure he was speaking about the legal ramifications but on a more philosophical level. Either way I think that the proper response is the same, if your life is threatened then...