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  1. R

    Taurus PT1911 or alternatives?

    Do they all come with adjustable sights? I can't think why they'd mark it down if they could've remedied it with just a turn of a screw.
  2. R

    Taurus PT1911 or alternatives?

    Why? They can have parts interchanged just like any other 1911, and have a forged frame and slide from good metal, so that is better than most. I know your position though. I wanted one when they could be found for $450 or so, but didn't have the cash at the time. Now I have the cash...
  3. R

    Which knife should I sell?

    Gordon, you again have zero sources to back up what you say and there's absolutely no way to validate anything you have said. And you keep saying "we" and "our" knives. Ah, so are you employed with Mad Dog? Every other hard use knife had withstood the same batonning and prying. Only the mad...
  4. R

    Paintball drive by shooting mistaken for real gun!

    They are not real weapons. They were not designed with the intention to cause damage to their target. They are designed to safely mark other people with paint for a game. But they can cause damage if they hit you in the eye, just like any other hard object in the world, from a thrown can of soda...
  5. R

    Alcohol and guns... Very Serious

    I try not to touch my guns when I drink. I don't lock them up either, though. Since if I were drunk and wanted to unlock them, I could still unlock them, so I don't see the point. btw, it's not drinking and concealed carry if it's in your home. No license is needed to carry your gun in your home.
  6. R

    Which knife should I sell?

    You got any sources for what you claim, Gordon? Besides the MD website, since he's proven himself to be an untrustworthy individual and a liar? If the guy is saying that his knives were the 1st choice after very hard testing and could've been the knife for special ops but there's no...
  7. R

    (LA) Toddler Caught on Camera Handling an AK-47

    What would you rather they referred to him as? That's the most fitting word. All you see in that pic is a small part of his leg anyways, so there's no reason to think he's a gang member by dress/attitude, or anything besides the fact that you can see it's the leg of a black man. "A guy who some...
  8. R

    Think all liberals are against gun rights?

    I don't. Not unless birthing poses a significant risk to the woman's life. Takes all kinds, I guess.
  9. R

    Which knife should I sell?

    I don't have any stake in it and mad dog was ostracized by the online knife community before I really came into it, but the evidence is pretty darn strong against them. I suspect your friends may not use them hard enough that any other knife wouldn't be able to stand for it, and not a real test...
  10. R

    Which knife should I sell?

    IIRC, Mad dog has been thoroughly discredited on bladeforums for sub-par knives. A long series of threads, I think... I might post the links later. I'd sell that one... CS service sounds horrible and the knives themselves to be junk...
  11. R


    ?? What do you mean? You don't think it's useful to know the energy an airgun is putting out? It's important in deciding whether the gun is safe for indoor use, or puts out enough power to take game. Many airgunners do it to see the effect of mods or to decide on that guns use. All sorts of...
  12. R

    Giving the "silent treatment" when pulled over

    Talking to a lawyer, rather than gun board buddies, would probably be the best idea. The cops have a job to do, and it isn't a normal casual interaction like you'd have with anyone else.
  13. R

    Myspace Ninja At it again...

    What are you talking about? Clearly the man is a hero. He puts his life on the line and does the right thing to protect the liberal sheeple and makes no apologies. Like he says better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.
  14. R

    .50 BMG Pistols?

    The .50bmg thunder was created to be a display of the companys (hydraulic?) recoil reduction system. That little black rod thing under the gun in the pic posted.
  15. R

    Myspace Ninja At it again...

    :D so funny! It had all the elements. Whoever wrote this must really had an indepth understanding of the gun culture underbelly to make such poignant satire. liberals, muslims, gangbangers, illegal immigrants, molon labe, commies, everything. Maybe he would've thrown in something about nazis and...
  16. R

    permit holder who shot two robbers gets gear back, but not gun

    I'm assuming they mean that the loaded magazine was inserted, but without a round in the chamber. I guess this is a persuasive argument for keeping 1 in the chamber and you can forget these things in the heat of the moment.
  17. R

    The 1st Amendment is an absolute right.

    All forms of speech involve communication with another person, which could potentially impede on their happiness. Unless you interpret the 1st amendment to be a right to speak to yourself, Chris is right. The 1st isn't an absolute right either. There are times and places where you cannot say...
  18. R


    Ah, the 1250 is newer. It's been out for years as well, but newer than the 440 and 880s, which they periodically restock and rename. It was never as popular as the rws 350, which achieves the same with a touch lower price and a more prestigious name. The pellets are new. But I'd be hesitant in...
  19. R

    What's this shotgun worth?

    It's junk. But I'll give you $50 for it, just because I'm generous.