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  1. 9

    Another example of why intervening in a domestic is a bad idea

    Interesting responses. May I ask if people's actions would change if it was a child (son or daughter of person beating them) being physically abused? With the other parent present? (Because if you are at a residence or social event, that is very likely) That is also a domestic dispute.
  2. 9

    Another example of why intervening in a domestic is a bad idea

    Kinda hard to leave in the middle of a I mean, otherwise why wouldnt everybody just walk away from a good beatin'? And sometimes, cant leave after either... OTOH, I can see a couple both being armed all the time at home, esp. if one knows the other has a temper....that would...
  3. 9

    Developing and Assessing Realistic Defensive Shooting Skills

    Thanks Odd Job, for offering information on "Developing and Assessing Realistic Defensive Shooting Skills" Appreciate the time it took to write it as well.
  4. 9

    Developing and Assessing Realistic Defensive Shooting Skills

    At least in my area, this is useful and pretty inexpensive for a training opportunity. Indoors and outdoors. From the thread the OP referenced.
  5. 9

    Concealed Carry: Accuracy, Consistency, Range

    LOLOL So glad I'm on the right track. Guess it depends on how you word things.
  6. 9

    Shooting through auto glass

    Not to mention if they are just shooting thru the door panel.
  7. 9

    Concealed Carry: Accuracy, Consistency, Range

    See if there is a local IDPA group near you. I practice with a group, not to compete but for the skills moving & reloading, etc, and the pressure that time & critical observers can add, a bit of stress added that helps as well.
  8. 9

    Concealed Carry: Accuracy, Consistency, Range

    Well, I only carry ONE self-defense firearm, I dont switch around different models. So then I only train with that one weapon (for self-defense shooting). I have only so much time to train, so I invest all that time in being proficient with that firearm and shooting (almost) ONLY at the...
  9. 9

    What Can We Learn From Interwebz Viedos?

    I think that in almost any scenario that plays out in public, this ALWAYS needs to be remembered. That it's not just you and an attacker(s). That by no means do you have control over the scene, that bystanders can react in a million ways you cant predict or control, including interfering with...
  10. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    ...of examining the video was to be constructive, educational. We see lots of people do stupid/careless/accidental things on the Internet and if *they* end up choosing to believe it was 'the right decision' for them, it's still pretty meaningless when most people observing--with rational thought...
  11. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    Yes, thanks. But you (seem to be) and others here are defending his decision. I dont think it is constructive for anyone to try and make out like he made a 'good' decision. Hey, as you wrote, maybe he will end up believing he made the right decision here. Me? I think he'd do so only if he's...
  12. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    Not "liberal" at all. You have free will and people here, at least, should have competent knowledge of the laws where they live. You get to choose...and you get the consequences or rewards, such as they may be. The hyperbole of 'dont ever fight back', which was never presented here, shows the...
  13. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    Survival only matters today, in that moment...and then you live to fight another day (if necessary). Unless you think he'll be running into the same thief again? @_@ And #2 cuts both ways...exactly what lesson did the victim teach that thief? Maybe now he's emboldened. Maybe he got off on it...
  14. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    Sometimes I wonder if most people even think about a variety of more common scenarios and how they could react or prepare for them. Has nothing to do with guns even, or doesnt have to. Just...what is the most prudent way to react? What can I do to minimize harm or loss, or protect my family...
  15. 9

    Pack heat folks... and be aware of your surroundings.

    It's about necessity and brains. He wasnt (didnt start out) defending himself. He chose to defend his property. In the big picture of choose smart or die. Got a family to support? A job to go to in one piece? Are you competant to fight here? And right or wrong, it will likely...
  16. 9

    Strikers on the Nightstand

    On the nightstand shelf, round chambered, no holster. Full size S&W M&P (striker fired) 9mm lives there. No other people living in the house.
  17. 9

    Shooting through auto glass

    I guess it's like seeing the glass half empty or half full. I just see that it's still totally a matter of luck and the risk is high if you are in the car. (And I dont picture myself shooting into a car but it's not impossible I suppose, to attempt to stop a terrorist, but that's pure speculation).
  18. 9

    Trigger Discipline

    Shorter version: to spare the life of the person confronting you with lethal force, the most powerful thing you can do is CONVINCE them that you are 100% WILLING to shoot them.
  19. 9

    Shooting through auto glass

    Now that sounds interesting.