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  1. U

    Heirloom-quality pocket pistols?

    I regularly carry a Ruger LCP in my right-rear pocket, and I hardly notice it's there due to its small size and light weight. However, it is not what I would consider an "heirloom-quality" pocket pistol. While what is heirloom-quality is subjective, seems it would need to be of sufficient...
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    SIG Sauer - designed in ... ?

    SIG Sauer Inc is organizationally separate from SIG Sauer GmbH: Are all SIG Sauer firearms still designed in Germany? Or are some of the newer products, like their AR-based line and the new P365 pistol, designed in the USA now?
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    Copper/Polymer bullets - environmental impact?

    Ha! True. They will grasp at anything they can use to achieve their ultimate goal.
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    Copper/Polymer bullets - environmental impact?

    Does anyone here know much about the new copper/polymer bullets that are now available? Is the polymer used biodegradable? Or maybe it's such an insignificant amount there is no real impact? If not, seems like introducing more plastic into the environment isn't a good thing and just gives the...
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    Remington R51 in American Rifleman

    Not that the R51's design was a new innovation, but I hope this experience doesn’t discourage other manufacturers from trying something different or new or innovative in firearms design.
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    Remington R51 in American Rifleman

    I see the Remington R51 is on the cover and reviewed in the latest issue of American Rifleman: Not a perfect review (they had magazine issues) but overall semi-positive. Is it too little too late...
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    FA 8mm Revolver

    How would you like to rely on this to save your life???
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    FA 8mm Revolver

    Saw this on display at the International Spy Museum in Washington D.C., thought you history buffs might find it interesting:
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    Handgun in image?

    That appears to be it! Good work! Interesting choice of a gun to model for an IWB carry stock photo ... Here's a video (in German) of it:
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    Handgun in image?

    I can't find the article anymore but I believe it was in regards to the recent Appeals court ruling that there is no constitutional right to carry concealed guns. As was mentioned, it is probably a stock image.
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    Handgun in image?

    Does anyone recognize what handgun this is?
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    Sig 522 construction

    From what I've seen in the online reviews/videos, this rifle has evolved over the years ... Does someone have one that was manufactured relatively recently, say in the last 1 year to 6 months, that could answer the following questions? Are the following parts metal or polymer? -...
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    Why no small viable DA revolver?

    I know exactly what you mean. I asked for something similar from NAA awhile back:
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    Have you switched to become a revolver guy?

    The Revolver: Unappreciated Advantages Thought some folks here might find this article interesting:
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    Anyone shooting a S&W 351C 22 mag

    Ammo FYI - Ammo to consider:
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    New gun of the market - .380 Diamondback

    Gunblast DB380 review FYI - Gunblast has a review of the DB380:
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    Mace PepperGun

    I thought about that as well but if that is a concern you could buy the hot-pink one! ;) One advantage of it being gun-like is it might initially intimidate or cause the attacker to hesitate?
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    Mace PepperGun Thoughts?
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    Phasers On Stun

    45ACP taser ? So a 45ACP version is in development??? Now that would be slick! :evil: