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  1. R

    Why so many anti-NRA?

    With or without the NRA no one is going to take away my guns. Did an organization like the NRA exist before the american revolution? NO! The colonists weapons were not taken away. The reason why is they were willing to take a stand and fight and die for what they believed and not let some...
  2. R

    ft Walton GUN SHOW TODAY

    The price of firearms up here in Knoxville are high as a cat's back. But the Guns shows are packed. there are some deals but few and far between. I have been finding better deals at the pawn shops.
  3. R

    Cylinder hard to open?

    Cylinder hard to open I have a Charter arms 38 undercover. Does the same apply to this pistol also?
  4. R

    Charter Arms Undercover question

    I have been well pleased with my Charter 38 undercover. It fits well in my pocket and fires every time. I guess I could have purchased a more expensive weapon but not a better one for what it is. My weapons are for function not for show.
  5. R

    Inexpensive pocket revolver recommendations?

    I carry an older Charter arms 38 special undercover. I fits well in my pocket and fires every time. I bought it for $200.00 otd and love it. You can buy a more expensive revolver but what do you really want it for? For self protection or show?
  6. R

    POLL: What kind of gun lube do you use?

    What oil to use I use Rem Oil because that is what I have. I'm very new to hand guns and have a Star PD .45 a Charter Arms 38 special undercover a High Point C9 a High Point 40 and a Phoenix 22 hp22a. Which gun oil should I use? Are there certain lubes for particular guns? Revolvers vs...
  7. R

    Gun Snobs lighten up!

    I have run into one gun snob while at the firing range and his "Sig" I think jammed twice and my Star PD 45 fired flawlesly. When He saw that my weapon fired fine he did appologize for what he had said. The rest of the time there we actually became friends. I don't own cheap guns just...
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    Need help with a 9MM question (FL content)

    I don't know what the law is. If all you can crry is a 9 mm so be it. I'ts all about bullet placement anyway.
  9. R

    New Member? Introduce yourself here (just intros, questions get answered elsewhere)

    Hi all, I found this site after researching a purchase of a Star model PD 45. The post from flightsimmer about this weapon was very helpful. I've never been on a site like this but I think I'ts good for information sharing for weapon holders. I'm looking forward to learning how this site works.