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  1. N

    Gun Control Facts

    Great post, thanks!
  2. N

    Bill would abolish gun free zones.

    It's very unsettling to read some of these posts about CCW and school grounds. What in the world makes a school ground some kind of sacred land or evil property that cohering firearms to jump from there concealed holsters and start firing at innocent children?:rolleyes: Carrying around...
  3. N

    "The Look"

    Through all my babbling this is what I wanted to convey. Simple, boiled down, and to the point!
  4. N

    Bill would abolish gun free zones.

    It truly is time to say No to these absurd and pointless laws!
  5. N

    "The Look"

    It comes from a confidence within. You're acknowledging their presence and letting them know you're aware of your surroundings without "starring" aka mean mugging. See the above, same applies. Think confident not cocky. Bad guys want a easy target not someone who is aware. For example I...
  6. N

    What kind of handgun would be so unusual...

    Not only what kind of gun would be that unusual but why was it loaded going through a check bag system?
  7. N

    Hiking with a firearm

    No big deal for me. I prefer to see someone else armed. The long gun is a bit weird (more for hunting then personal defense) but I still wouldn't think much of it.
  8. N

    Should there be a minimum standard for CCW guns

    I certainly wouldn't want somebody’s attempt at self-preservation to fail because of a malfunction due to a poor standard of firearm they chose, but as seuadr pointed out "you cannot legislate common sense." Individual responsibility is something I highly value. I am not willing to trade my...