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  1. M

    Friend or Foe Tool - Update and New URL

    Brilliant. Plugged in my zip code and got very detailed information and reviews, including some fairly small shops. Brilliant.
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    Patton was right!
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    Controversy in the Texas Senate with Student CHL

    chuck in texas, Oh, I get it, if we allow hot-headed students to carry in a classroom, "there'll be blood in the streets - er, the corridors. Disputes over that last vacant seat will escalate into gunfights. Students will shoot their instructors" That hoary old nugget gets resurrected...
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    Member 44and45 passes

    Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace.
  5. M

    Virginia Arms Co. (Manassas, VA)

    Bingo. Thanks for capturing it. Even with transfers of firearms I didn't buy there, the quality and friendliness of the service was simply without equal.
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    Oh No! Another Open Carry Story.....

    Gerbils!! :eek: My, we're going from the low-road to beneath the road!! :uhoh: ;) Been open carrying on and off for the better part of three years in gun-unfriendly and urbanized Northern Virginia (Fairfax/Arlington/Prince William Co.). I have no desire to tell people to [bleep] off, I...
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    School shooting in Finland

    No, you twit, you cannot say the teachers are responsible. Nor are the police, the local parish church, the Interior Ministry, the Education Ministry, or Carl Walther GmbH. There is only one person responsible, the "young adult," Matti Saari, and he chose a coward's end.
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    After 'Heller' Reason Can Prevail.The End of the NRA as We Know It?

    Amen, brother. He can dress up his little anti's screed in "reasonable" language but . . . it's still a pig.
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    Virginia Arms Co. (Manassas, VA)

    I have had nothing but excellent experiences in Virginia Arms. It is, simply, the best gun store I've been to, and consistently so. That reminds me, I'm overdue for another purchase . . . :D More positive feedback on Virginia Arms here...
  10. M

    The Easy Way, or the Hard Way?

    Well, thank you for that last post, bogie - my dander was up and I was about to unload. I'll just say I am in complete agreement with your last post, and leave it at that. Oh, and while I avoid Confederate battle flags, my vehicle does bear a Bonnie Blue license plate. But since no one...
  11. M

    VA Open Carry

    Good advice thus far. I'm with MAKster. I live in western Fairfax, not far from Manassas battlefield. PW County is not the war zone depicted in the original post. Yes, you can carry with one in the pipe. I do all the time.
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    A Question for Open Carry Folks.

    Some outstanding responses here! I do not worry especially about criminals targeting me or my home because I open carry. Inasmuch as it is even a factor, I suspect they would prefer a "softer" target. Open carrying on a daily basis, I have had zero untoward events with neighbors, local...
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    Fire Mission - Hit this poll please

    Done; at 17:53 THR time, we have about two thirds of the 1,042 votes cast.
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    Open Carry in Wisconsin? Think Again

    Lichter, as you probably know, you can also open carry most places in Virginia, although your campus is in all likelihood not one of them. And I have to agree, your DA friend does not sound very friendly to gun rights or gun owners. Sounds more like the elite should be free to own and enjoy...
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    Misinterpreted Acronyms

    Well, SapperMaster, the day isn't wasted; I learned something new. DILLIGAF - Do I look like I give a ____? Dang, Gottahaveone, I learned two things. Now my head hurts! :p
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    Am I Wrong to Feel Troubled and Disturbed?

    "Dishonored" him? By a typo? Unfortunate, perhaps, regrettable, certainly. But dishonoring the man? Get serious. I appreciated your posting that article, and I responded to it. As you say, had you not, the passing of this hero would have gone entirely unnoticed by many here. So, 1)...
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    Another Great WWII Medal of Honor Hero Has Left Us:Michael J.Daly,83

    Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei. Requiescat in pace.
  18. M

    Queasy Feeling I Just Can't Shake...

    Thank you, myrockfight. Your response to that perversion, and such it surely is, was far more civil than any I could muster. One small point, and folks kind of dance around it, is the immutable fact that in any project involving heavy lifting, a very small percentage of the folks will do all...
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    Tammy Bruce Nonsense

    Perhaps. . .
  20. M

    Supreme Court=Big Thumbs Up! Now for the bad news.

    ". . . bordering on the frivolous . . . " Tell it, Antonin!! I love the way he writes.