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  1. C

    Breaking news: Ninth Circuit Rules California May Issue Unconstituional

    There is a 6 month waiting list to apply at the Sherriff's Dept. in Lincoln County OR. Another 3 or so to get it.
  2. C

    Missouri Legislature Nullifies All Federal Gun Control

    Interesting. We really are sheep aren't we? If the citizens of LA or AL truly believed in segregation seems to me the Marshals would have been waaay outnumbered. There are a lot of voices, here and elsewhere, that claim they would fight to the death but how many really would? Would you...
  3. C

    House not backing away from gun control...

    I used to vote for the person and it was strictly based on their position on gun control. Congress has now become so partisan, where a member will lose their committee assignments if they don't vote the party line on these issues, I will no longer vote for anyone belonging to the party that...
  4. C

    Legally, is there any reason I couldn't/shouldn't OC in OR?

    Check with other forums on OC and CCW as there are more towns/cities with OC restrictions than just Portland, Newport for example is one. BTW, I live in OR.
  5. C

    House not backing away from gun control...

    That is not correct. BB was signed into law in 93 with Tom Foley as Speaker of the House. He was a "D". The BB was one of the reasons the "D's" lost the house in 94.
  6. C

    Need the kind of mental help only a THR reloader can provide

    Assemble 5k and send to me. I'll QA them for you and send the good ones back
  7. C

    Commerce Clause

    OK. How does that explain Federal laws against MJ?
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    Commerce Clause

    If the Commerce Clause allows Congress to ban a gun/magazine/anything, why did they pass the 18th Amendment? Could they not have just passed a law banning booze?
  9. C

    Proposals to tax guns and ammunition

    You are correct, no right is 100% safe from Federal regulation. That was not my point however. My point to Ash is just because a right in not listed in the text of the Constitution does not mean it is not a right. Smoke em if ya got em.:D
  10. C

    Proposals to tax guns and ammunition

    Sure they are. They are not enumerated but they are protected
  11. C

    Proposals to tax guns and ammunition

    You might want to read the 9th Amendment again.
  12. C

    Background checks, round two?

    It concerns me in that Congress would be acting outside of its charter. They are allowed to regulate interstate commerce only. That makes it a big event.
  13. C

    Obama Trying Executive Order to Dis Arm Us Again

    I hope none of you used Zyban to quit smoking.;)
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    The Good 'Ole Days

    This will make you cry in your beer.:(
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    About to unsubscribe from a number of places

    I got fed up with the "the sky is falling, send me money" routine years ago. I quit the NRA for years because of their tactics - and I have at least 6 belt buckles for signing up new members! Now I'm very careful about who I give my name to just to keep from being hounded to death. And if I...
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    Here is mine. It's a BiCentennial model.
  17. C

    Run on ammunition:

    My Mother finally decided she would never hunt again so I got her Win 94! Had to get a new buttstock as it was cut way down for her. 1st .30-30 I've owned so I had nothing and my Dad still has his so he wouldn't give up anything. Took 3 months but finally found some Federals at Sportsmans...
  18. C

    Burrrp! Anyone else feeling OVERstocked?

    What is up with the run on 22LR?? Did they stop making it or cut back production? Found a couple of sealed boxes of Stingers. Price tag was still on them, $2.44!
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    Thompson Center Hawken

    Nice pics guys, guess I should post one of mine since I'm the one that started this thread! :D
  20. C

    Any reason not to move to Missouri?

    One of the biggest mistakes I (we) made was moving away from St. Louis. Had a good job offer in SC, took it, sold the house and been kicking myself in the butt since.