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    Disposable Magazines

    All the mags I have bought have come pre-loaded, use them once and toss them...gee where have you been?
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    First date and bringing up your hobby

    Be careful for what you wish for... Before I married my wife (when we were dating) she went out with me a couple of times, Just as I went with her to garden shops etc. But now she wants to go all the time and shoot "ALL" my guns. I mean 100's of rounds...But shes not into cleaning them, which...
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    I love my wife more every day.

    Smart Tip: My wife and I were sitting in the hot tub awhile back when we heard some young tuffs yelling at each other out in the alley, Never letting a chance to buy a gun go to waste, I quickly said how exposed and unprotected we were, and that maybe we should have a gun out here. She fell for...
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    I love my wife more every day.

    Exploding targets outside should be fun for her, my wife likes shooting but not cleaning. I would not put anything related to guns on facebook...
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    What is the most gun friendly state?

    Montana is pretty cool about guns but the best part is NO SALES TAX...If I buy a gun for say....$599.99 and give the store $600.00 I get a penny back..Plus I only have to travel a few miles to let the lead fly...
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    Are the gun grabbers aware of lets say my Saiga 12? It is a pretty formable weapon, All tricked out with drum mag, 00 buck,etc.etc. I hope they don't get any ideas. Is it on the banned list?....Frank
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    WTS. Tec-9 Montana

    I personaly think the Tec-9 is a stupid little gun, Only shot it once, Waste of ammo. only have it because I bought it cheap, maybe ask $750 but would feel I was stealing from some honest folk, only other person who would want it would be a "gang-banger type" who would be booted out the door...
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    WTS. Tec-9 Montana

    I'm a NooB here and want to sell my Little tec-9, Don't have any use for it, Nickel finish, 3 assorted mags, shroud, orignal box and papers, But every time I sell something I get "sellers remorse" and kick myself in the rear and go out and buy another gun. I don't have a clue what it is worth...