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  1. P

    IWB holster for Springfield Champion

    A few weeks ago I bought a Springfield Champion (commander length slide, full size grip). I intend to carry this when I'm packing IWB. I bought a cheap Blackhawk nylon IWB holster. It's flimsy and I feel like the clip could break whenever...but damn if it's not comfortable! I like the slimness...
  2. P

    3" aftermarket barrel on 2 3/4" chamber

    I do apologize if this a stupid question. I don't know much about shotgun construction. Back in December I bought an 870 Wingmaster. I got a pretty good deal on it ($150). It's got a 30" or 28" (think it's the former), fixed choke barrel and is a pretty great field gun, but I wouldn't mind...
  3. P

    Gun Show finds

    The Dixie Gun and Knife show was in town the other day, and I went and spent quite a bit of money. I'm not actually sure if I bought any new knives, except for one. Here they are: 1. Old Hickory 7" Butcher Knife. F&F was pretty rough, and it's dull. Need to break out the sharpener. Other than...
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    Original Oratory speech

    I just took second place at the Furniture City Forensics Tournament Original Oratory with this speech. First ever forensics tournament. I hope you like it- without this forum, I definently wouldn't have been able to write this. Copyright 2008 Preston Parham as of 08-11-17 Yep, that story at...
  5. P

    Thoughts on Taurus 85-6

    Many of us can agree that the J-frame revolver is a very good self defense handgun. Lightweight and compact, they are easily concealable, are reliable, and pack enough punch to take down most bad guys. Their only shortcoming is the fact that they can only chamber five rounds, at least in the...
  6. P

    I think I've found a perfect EDC

    It's that mythic thing that all knife nuts look for. Some find it in SAKs, some in slipjoints, some in tacticals, some in fixed blades. Well, i think I've found mine. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a Kershaw Junkyard Dog. It has 410 stainless steel handles, 4" OAL, 3"...
  7. P

    I got a few more Kershaws

    I went to Davi's Gun and Knife Tip of the Blade expo today ( I got a few knives. Three, in fact. And they are all...Kershaws! The biggest knife is the Kershaw Steven Seagal knife. I like this knife. The blade is about 3.5", very sharp recurve. As this knife is made...
  8. P

    Heads up to North Carolina forumites!

    Hey y'all. Tommorow is the last day of Davi's Gun and Knife Tip of the Blade show. They have several custom manufacturers, a Mercop desk where you can get stuff like Jaw Jackers, and a storewide sale. I suggest you go- you won't regret it. Here's their website:
  9. P

    Other finishes on NG series?

    I like the Smith & Wesson Night Guard series, particulary the 315. A fairly lightweight, but not J-frame lightweight snub, with six shots, sounds like the perfect HD gun for my mom (and of course, I would shoot it too). However, they're butt ugly. Someone said that life is too short to shoot...
  10. P

    Kershaw Scallion

    I went to Wal-Mart today, to get some school supplies. While browsing the aisles, I came across this little number. My Scallion is black, with a black handle and black coated plain edge blade. My first impressions are: It's very sharp- paper shaving sharp, in fact. For such a little knife...
  11. P

    Ahh, the Sigg bottle

    Now, I know this isn't a forum for outdoor equipment. It is however, a forumfor the discussion of non-firearm weapons. These Sigg bottles hold a litre of water, and function very well as water bottles. However, I do think their design lends itself more to being an emergency self-defense tool...
  12. P

    What's in your pockets?

    If you've spent more than five minutes over on Bladeforums, you probably will have read the thread, "EDC, what's in your pockets?" It is a very fun thread to read, and also very informative. There are plenty of eye-candy pictures as well. THR doesn't have a thread like this. There was one in...
  13. P

    A couple of red knives

    Today, I got a couple of knives with red handles, and I'm liking both of them just fine. The first one I picked up for twenty dollars ar Dick's Sporting Goods. I needed a knife for traveling, and while I already have some SAKs, the one I wanted to take has sentimental value. I also had a...
  14. P

    Swiss knife laws?

    I will be leaving for Switzerland later this week, and need advice on what knives to take, and where I can carry them. I was planning on taking an SAK, not just because I'll be in Switzerland, but because they are fantastic tools. I was also planning on taking my Buck 301 stockman, for a...
  15. P

    Wenger Air Traveler- Review

    I know, who would want a knifeless Swiss Army Knife? I mean, sure, you could use it for air travel, if the TSA goons actually followed the rules, but chances are they will still confiscate it. So, why, in a normal society, would carry an SAK without a blade? Well, because you're a student at...
  16. P

    Stockmans: Part 2: Case

    As I said, I'm doing a review of my four stockmans. I've already done one, the Boker Grand Canyon. Read the thread "Stockmans: Part 1: Boker" for more info. Well, here is the second Stockman- and it is a very special knife to me. It's a Case Medium Stockman, 3318, CV with yellow. It was my...
  17. P

    Stockmans: Part 1: Boker

    I bought this knife a year and a half ago, and remember being dissapointed, as it did not come sharp. I got it a little bit sharper on my whetstone, but not much. Well, I have a little bit more sharpening knowledge no then I did before, particualry after three "Help me" threads on three...
  18. P

    Sharpening and Keeping sharp

    I'm not SM or The Tourist. I don't know much about sharpening, and I can't get a edge sharp enough to slice cheap stainless steel on a Norton stone, or get an edge with an Edge Pro and waterstones that's sharp enough to cut me reading about it. I also don't have an Edge Pro, or waterstones...
  19. P

    Queen Big Chief Easy Opener This is the one. While browsing around, looking for an Eisenhower, I came across it. I've been at the beach this week, and have been carrying an SAK. Most of slippies are carbon, and I generally don't take them swimming or...
  20. P

    Moore Maker Serpentine Stockman

    Their catalog lists this knife as the Serpentine Stock Knife. This is it. Mine, though, is yellow bone, and smooth. I do not know if it is carbon or stainless, but I would guess carbon. I got a really good deal on the knife, $64 with sheath. It is not quite brand new- it was made in 1999...