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  1. R

    What Was Your Very First Gun? Toy? BB? Real Gun? How old when you got it?

    The first gun I recall shooting when I was all of 5 was my dad's S&W 22. The first gun I ever owned was a Marlin 22 bolt action rifle bought for me by my father and I still have it. My first and only shotgun is a Mossberg 500 12 gauge which was my fathers before he gave it to me. Once I got...
  2. R

    NY jerks its knee FAST

    I do not believe that NYS has a death penalty on the books anymore. The legislators' want to bring it back for instances of police officer murder cases.
  3. R

    NY jerks its knee FAST

    I believe the death penalty was one of the first things to go when the liberal Dems took over the state many years ago. I am a supporter of the death penalty being reinstated for the murder of a police officer. I feel that it needs to go one step further and be applied to all first degree...
  4. R

    NY jerks its knee FAST

    I am very, very lucky that I am leaving the draconian state of NY in a little over a week. I love it here but at the rate it's going, you'll soon need papers(a la Communist Russia) to cross county lines. Don't any of our legislators here have working brains?
  5. R

    Political correctness gone awry

    I agree that this is total BS. It is nice to see thou that his peers are willing to stick their necks out to show support for him.
  6. R

    "There is no reason that any private citizen in a democracy should own a handgun"

    My question is this: Why should we(America) care what any other country in the entire world thinks of our laws(Gun Laws in particular)? Answer: We shouldn't. It really grinds my gears when I hear journalists or other antis us the "The rest of the world...blah blah blah" argument. We...
  7. R

    assault weapon Bills - NY

    You could simply remind that that the Clinton Gun Ban did nothing to change the murder and death rate in this country. Since we all know criminals, not legal gun owners, do most of the killings and shootings that politicians always refer to.
  8. R

    Another twisted definition!

    Would this not imply a Standing Army? Anybody care to inform the writer that the Founding Fathers were completely against a standing army and that there is no way the Second Amendment applies to his "theory"?
  9. R

    Question on transfering guns from one state to another

    Thanks for the info. Are things the same now as they were back then?
  10. R

    Question on transfering guns from one state to another

    I have my CCW in New York State. I will be moving to North Carolina in the next month. When I set up residence in NC, I plan to acquire a NC State Pistol Permit. How can I transfer my currently owned guns from my New York Permit to my North Carolina Permit?
  11. R

    "Let's All Be Sheep"

    Someone PLEASE tell me this guy is being a smart-ass. Let's all roll over and play dead? What?!! No sir, these victims were indeed killed by a Korean. A Korean that happened to use a tool named a "Handgun." Let's place blame exactly where it belongs...on the shoulders of a very distubed...
  12. R

    Dear World Leaders,

    In response to your criticism of US Gun Laws... butt out!
  13. R

    Hot Fuzz Movie

    I'm looking forward to this as well but... does anyone else find the irony in filming a movie about guns in England the land of the gun ban? Just a thought.
  14. R

    Mythbusters: snipe through scope

    They just retested the myth and it came out to be Plausible. They used "period appropriate" weapons.
  15. R

    LEO Weirdness re: spouse applying for CCW

    Don't get me wrong, the police were quite nice and gave me no problems. I did have to meet with the Chief of Police and answer a few questions but it was painless. I just don't think I should need the permission of my neighbors to get my permit. I do know that they were contacted by the...
  16. R

    Mythbusters: snipe through scope

    I just got done watching this evenings episode(March 14) and it appears that this myth will be revisited on the next viewer submitted show. I believe that it will air on Wednesday March 21. I would Like to see what they come up with this time.
  17. R

    Gun conversation at work?

    Very similar to my situation at work. I work at a school and frankly could care less as to what people might think about my view on guns. I would rather try to educate someone then hide my knowledge for fear of an anti.
  18. R

    LEO Weirdness re: spouse applying for CCW

    Here in fascist heaven (New York State) I needed to get permission from three of my neighbors to put the application in. They had to agree to speak with the police and FBI in regards to me and the type of person I am and if they thought it was a good idea for me to have a handgun license. ***...
  19. R

    GET RID OF THAT GUN! -- History

    Maybe he should have titled the article as follows: CRIMINALS SAY "GET RID OF THAT GUN" By Bruce Smith As told by your future mugger