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  1. H

    NBC article about dangers of lead to people, specifically children, from shooting

    I shoot predominately in an indoor range and my lead number was 33. Normal is bet. 6 to 10. I started wearing a mask and it went down to 7. I also started using totally jacketed bullets which reduce the lead vapor in the air. It's not the dire health risk the NBC is making it out to be. Children...
  2. H

    Interesting commentary on the recent big Miss court victory

    Wasn't this the case about people open carrying but were getting hassled because their holster "concealed" part of the gun and therefore was deemed a concealed gun that was "exposed"?
  3. H

    Visitors bringing firearms into New York, NY?

    As some have posted, we are one of the safest large cities in the country, of course there are bad areas but unless you are here to deal drugs or fight gangbangers, you are pretty safe. The areas that most visitors frequent are very safe. Certainly they are safe enough to not risk bringing a...
  4. H

    Visitors bringing firearms into New York, NY?

    as a new yorker, i say don't do it. Not worth it, what are you going to do with a shotgun/lever action in the city? The city is safe, you're only here a month, it's not worth 3 years and a felony rap that will take away all your guns for the rest of your life
  5. H

    Guns no longer welcome at Starbucks

    I'd believe his neutral stance if he said to the anti gun activists to stop harassing law abiding open carriers but it seems he thinks it"s ok just to chastise the gun owners.
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    When were the last openly racist gun laws repealed?

    See the history of NY's Sullivan Law Still not repealed but challenges are supposedly coming
  7. H

    A (very) small victory for NY

    I wonder if they did that so that the person wouldn't have standing to sue to get the law struck down as arbitrary/capricious.
  8. H

    3D Printed Liberator Pistol: Video, more angles, loading detail

    The tech will get cheaper and the materials will be more commonplace. It's not the end product that's important it's the power to become a manufacturer and controller of your own technology without other institutions (gun companies, shipping companies, parts companies and the govt.) getting...
  9. H

    Will You Continue to Support the SAF After Their Involvment in ManchinToomey ?

    Maybe it'll be a "teachable moment" for the SAF
  10. H

    3D Printed Liberator Pistol: Video, more angles, loading detail

    The media has had a field day with this guy but I think his argument is a sound one. Put the power back into the people's hand. The argument that it will make it easier for criminals to get guns is BS, they get guns anyway and probably much more cheaply. It takes the control of an object out of...
  11. H

    Illinois Concealed Carry Legislation

    dont be surprised, this is what NYC has so look for them to copy it
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    Will You Continue to Support the SAF After Their Involvment in ManchinToomey ?

    They do/did much more good than bad, no one org. is perfect but at the end of the day we need to stand united. Our enemies constantly seek to drive a wedge between gun owners and will again. This won't be the last time so support those who support us even if it's not 100%. What would be the...
  13. H

    Shooter at Bush Intercontinental confronted

    You want to do suicide by cop but then shoot yourself before the cops can shoot you, why get the cops involved in the first place? I guess if you are suicidal logic doesn't really get involved. Sad and stupid
  14. H

    Maybe Bloomberg is better for the 2nd Amendment than we thought?

    The best argument for Bloomberg AND Cuomo is that they represent the bottom of the slippery slope. They embody "give them an inch they will take a mile". In NYC crime and murder is 50% of what it was 20 years ago and yet we have more restrictions now than ever (7 round limit, registry of...
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    On confiscating AR-15 in blue states....

    IN NYC if they yank your permit you can't have anything (mags, bullets, uppers, etc.) so everything gets taken
  16. H

    Its all the NRA's fault

    You can have a high capacity pressure cooker but you can only cook for 7 people. -Cuomo
  17. H

    S.649 Live Debate Thread - CSPAN2

    very close on national CCW!
  18. H

    Sec of State Kerry: Guns are scaring away foreign students

    Kerry says that foreign students are afraid of CRIME but somehow he equates it to GUNS. I'm sure that a foreign student coming here esp. to NY or LA or Chicago might be fearful of crime but to somehow make the leap from that to guns is ridiculous, not to mention almost every measure of crime is...