Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Screw CT!

    I certainly commiserate with the OP. Extended family is a main reason I grew up in CT. They moved out a long time ago. Now I know why. Or at least one of the reasons. The state I grew up in is no place for an old New England Republican. It has become Massachusetts lite. Sad. Guard your freedoms...
  2. J

    CCW and relationships

    Come on, I was kidding. Besides, it helps identify who doesn't have a sense of humor or takes themselves really seriously. 9MMare has one. Glad to see. I never said all guys weren't crazy to some extent. Being human is AWESOME! Don't you agree?
  3. J

    CCW and relationships

    Just steer clear of the haughty, resentful, and bitter ones and you'll be okay. All women are wacky. No way around that.
  4. J

    Help responding to my 9 year old's teacher...

    So many responses. I know I could wax lyrical on this matter but I shall refrain. Can not help but have a deep disdain for the way schools are these days. If it was my child I would have a meeting with the teacher or administrators and have some words with them. I really would. Bloody...
  5. J

    FBI Releases 2008 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted

    I believe it. There is a guy from Yemen at my work. He use to work in NYC at a convenience store and got hit with a bat one day. Forget the King Crab fishermen. The most dangerous job is being a clerk at a convenience store and dealing with the general lunacy of the public.
  6. J

    Educate? Or Ignore?

    I think the first question you should ask when queried about firearms is "What do you plan to do with it?". Then go from there. Try and emphasize the safety aspects of firearms handling and ownership first. If they can't absorb that, well, use your gut if you want to impart any more...
  7. J

    Why own a gun and not shoot it?

    I wish I had that kind of money to burn. I don't have the luxury to indulge in the "romance" of owning a particular firearm. No "safe queens" here. They all have to work to earn their keep. I am thinking about selling my 1911 actually.
  8. J

    Prescribed Anxiety drugs today.......

    You may want to evaluate your diet. Common sense says it's the first thing you should look at. Old hat but it's true; junk in junk out.
  9. J

    DVD search

    I was flipping through the channels and was completely disinterested. I've noticed that I spend more time watching the Weather Channel these days than all the others. I am getting old; or maybe just being a geek. Anyway, I flipped onto the community access channel. It usually has some really...
  10. J

    She didn't want me to carry...

    Oh boy. I think this thread may be veering off into the ditch.
  11. J

    She didn't want me to carry...

    You're lucky. Man, let me tell you, I know too many guys (not gun related) where the women in their lives have led them right off a cliff. Figuratively speaking. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny. The guns stay, and carry when you deem it prudent to do so. Period.
  12. J

    do people read at all anymore?

    I think the OP is trying to say that there is less analogous information when you are doing a web search. I think Microsoft is going to give Google some good competition in that respect with their new "Bing" search engine. It will be interesting to see what will come of it in the next few years...
  13. J

    Guns and Canadians

    (Shaking head slowly) Reminds of a day not too long ago. I was filling up my car and couldn't help but overhear a man spouting off about the new personal TASERS that will be on the market. As I was standing there holding the gas nozzle in my hand, I glanced down at the NRA decal prominently...
  14. J

    Civil War references

    Is there an authoritative reference or book about American Civil War weaponry? Perhaps specifically by Union Armies and even regiments. Something along the lines of Jane's books.
  15. J

    Engraved Guns = Addicting

    Those are some mighty fine irons. I think the proper term is artisan; not artist. There is a distinction.
  16. J

    Firearms in movies.

    Stick to PBS. You're better off in the long run. Don't even get me started on the Kung Foolery.
  17. J

    Why are liberals against the second amendment?

    (chuckling) You know what? All the confusion, obfuscation, pandering, misinformation, straw arguments, and hypotheticals just shows me that people just CAN NOT THINK OBJECTIVELY AND LOGICALLY. It is all what you want, and what you think you want and what you actually get. "I want a safer...
  18. J

    The Real Abercrombie & Fitch. Anybody Else Here Remember Them?

    At least there is Cabelas. Not quite the level as the stores that have passed into retail history. I am too young to have known the stores mentioned when they still had their souls, but they do sound like very fine establishments as described. Sounds like it use to be about quality...
  19. J

    Pirates Beware: Soon Rifles That Kill from a Mile Away (TIME magazine article)

    Maybe they can open up some Long John Silver restaurants over in Somalia so they can have gainful employment.