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  1. F

    Guns You'd Like To See Produced.

    For some reason, I want the pistol from Hellsing - it claims .454 cassull, so there's some obvious work that needs to be done on the cartridge, but whatever. I want a 5 lb overpowered ACP.
  2. F

    Made in the U.S.A. only

    > So you would buy a gun made in Iraq? Let me know when Iraq produces anything that isn't an AK (not really into that design)
  3. F

    Made in the U.S.A. only

    Let's see - I have a sig and an AR, I want a Springfield XD and a couple rifles (Tikka and Sako). Looks like I'm easy to please. Of course, once I have the rifles, I'll need good glass, and I'm really not sure what to get.
  4. F

    I'm moving into an apartment- some ideas requested

    > Back then I only had a few guns. The apartment had a drop ceiling. I put the guns in the ceiling. Isn't this a fairly common thing - I remember some army seargent joking about the dim recruits that hid things in the drop ceiling at the barracks. > This may sound a little silly, but...
  5. F

    Oy! The Neighborhood Patrol

    > It's hard to criminalize more and more ordinary human behavior if people don't do evil things. How can you justify multiplying the quantity of government if there's no need for it? Need I remind you who's been power these past 6 years? > Liberals are a unique breed of hapless fools. They...
  6. F

    When the masses are better than the professionals

    [qoute]I'm simply looking for instances where the masses/part time workers are/were better than the full time dedicated professionals. Right now I can think of Open Source/GNU/GPL Software (in certain applications), Wikipedia (best damn encyclopedia online, just as accurate as Britannica)...
  7. F

    Target... Anti gun?

    In case anybody wants to know, here's the target/marines story:
  8. F

    How to move guns?

    I'd recommend against Uhaul, given the quality of their equipment and the lack of guaranteed reservations, but self-moving is the way to go. I particularly like the idea behind pods, if not the price.
  9. F

    Burying handguns

    those little packets that come with the electronics I buy.
  10. F

    Moving to a new place that doesn't allow firearms

    > So, the solution to someone putting terms you dont agree with when tehy rent their property to you, is to tell them what the terms are going to be by using a lawyer? Are you one of thise people who believe that, just because it's in a contract, it's enforcable?
  11. F

    Crime way up in NJ cities - Lack of gun control cited as primary cause

    When I think liberal racist, the first name that comes to mind is Jesse Jackson. Are you saying he's a sheethead?
  12. F

    Moving to a new place that doesn't allow firearms

    > Folks telling you to move someplace where you "feel safe without a handgun" are nothing but victims in waiting looking at the world with an unrealistic eye. Hardly. It's like saying not to walk down a dark alley at night - if you don't feel safe when unarmed, then it's a crappy place and...
  13. F

    Stock Up Now!

    Gee Titan6, laying it on a bit heavy?
  14. F

    My editorial nearly got me "banned" from work

    That's a rate per 100k, not a total. Last time I checked, the number of total gun murders was around 11-12k per year, with the majority being commited by gangmembers against other gangmembers. I would expect there to be significant overlap between that and your 0-17 age group, as I expect...
  15. F

    Teen shoots cops with WWII "sniper" rifle...

    > If we had only stayed out of World War II, there would have been no need to design such an evil weapon known as a fully loaded semi-auto sniper rifle who's sole purpose is made to kill! Deer rifle :)
  16. F

    Teen shoots cops with WWII "sniper" rifle...

    > You would really have to define ''Responsible drug use'' in some meaningful way. That's fairly easy: can you do drugs and hold down a normal job? Do you have enough self control not to get messed up and go drive somewhere? If so, you're a responsible user. For instance, I use caffeine...
  17. F

    Teen shoots cops with WWII "sniper" rifle...

    > He got busted on a misdemeanor pot charge. Why did his mom call the cops? What was the nature of their confrontation? Certainly there are a lot of questions. My guess is that he was in an insulated suburbia bubble and freaked out. When the worst thing you usually have to deal with is...
  18. F

    John Travolta on guns

    I believe the basis behind the ritalin bashing is elron's aversion to psychologists (who prescribe it). The whole scientology thing (I won't call it a religion) opposes psychology fairly adamantly.
  19. F

    Man calls paramedics, gets tasered by police instead

    That's a <>poor trolling attempt. 2/10
  20. F

    Teachers want body armour to carry out gun searches

    Meh, I'm a magic sink - stuff like that only tickles.