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  1. N

    Colt LE6921 question

    Got it off.... Lessons learned: The Midway "AR Stoner" wrench barrel nut teeth are a major POS, do not buy. They are not machined in, I think spaced imperfectly, and I bent a couple of them. The Magpul wrench is MUCH better. It came in today. I still needed a 2ft breaker bar. Attempt 1)...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    Update... got the barrel stripped pretty easily, and got the front sight post cut down and blued with Perma Blue. If you look at it you can tell it isn't a factory lo pro gas block, but no worries, it will be under the handguard anyway. I expect it will go back on with no issues. I'm stuck at...
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    Minnesota Competitive Shooting Both will have club finder functions on the website to show where all the local clubs for any given area now. Also, Practiscore (originally developed by a USPSA guy) has become pretty much the standard match management software for all shooting sports that I'm aware...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    All the components I'm planning to use are in the mail. I'm planning to stick with the stock barrel. It appears that an identical Colt barrel assembly is currently available. It would probably not be a bad idea to pick one up.... Based on my understanding, the gas block and muzzle device...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    Its a BCM mlok rail. Thanks
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    Colt LE6921 question

    Looks good! I guess I'll shoot it. First with the upper in 100% stock config just to make sure everything works out of the box, then will likely shave the FSB and install an MCMR.
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    Colt LE6921 question

    I do have the box and should have everything else too. I have other SBRs so I could easily just buy an upper and shoot it on this lower or a different one. I have/had 10.5 and 11.5, and a Sig 516 14.5 but have never really shot a DI 14.5.. interesting that you like that one with a carbine gas...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    I don't much either; this is a pretty rare exception. I also have an unfired 6920 and a couple pistols, but virtually all of them get sold or shot a least a little. What really prompted this line of inquiry; I have an Arsenal SGL21-61; which I believe is about the closest thing to a current...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    Thanks C-grunt... so if I cut down the FSB to put a rail on this I'm not going to regret it? I guess push comes to shove I could get a second barrel assembly to assure ability to return it to stock.
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    Colt LE6921 question

    Thanks dcloco, I did see those, however: -The 1550$ one is showing on backorder, and has no real pictures so I'm assuming that is a current production rifle when it comes. -The 1899$ one I thought was someone's aftermarket build, but just noticed it is a factory configuration. Learn something...
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    Colt LE6921 question

    I've had this gun new and unfired in the safe for years. It is a factory complete SBR. It is marked "M4LE/COLTS LAW ENFORCEMENT" on the left and the "Restricted/Military/Gov/Export use only" mark on the right. I was thinking of modifying it and shooting it. However, I just wanted to do a...
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    Just shot my first "DMR" match, Clinton House Plantation in SC

    There was one, probably 4" plate at about 60 yards, that was the closest rifle target. 2-10x would have worked fine I think, but also I thought 8x was plenty. Just guessing that I probably could have hit everything at 3-4x. The 8x was nice on the furthest targets though for sure. I'm trying...
  13. N

    AR15 dust cover E-clip.. where to acquire?

    Not sure how it would be staked, but a spring detent in the end of the rod should eliminate any potential issues no matter what. I'm guessing the clipped rod is an artifact of the 60's that has just worked well enough to never drive wholesale upgrade of the part. I don't run them hard really...
  14. N

    AR15 dust cover E-clip.. where to acquire?

    Thanks for the info guys, and Cemetery for the specific info and offer! I do appreciate it. I think I'll just go the mega-pack route or get a spring loaded one though. Probably spring loaded.
  15. N

    AR15 dust cover E-clip.. where to acquire?

    Midway/Brownells look to just have complete kits. Actually this looks interesting: Sounds like it uses a spring detent which would eliminate the need for the E clip to stay in one piece. Thanks for the tip on the RC hobby shop... I have...
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    AR15 dust cover E-clip.. where to acquire?

    Does anyone know where, or if, I can get some extra of the microscopic E clips that retain the rod for the dust cover in the upper receiver? Got back from the range a while back and noticed the rod was backing out and the E clip gone. It is a 9" 300blk with no comp that likely has about as much...
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    Just shot my first "DMR" match, Clinton House Plantation in SC

    Just throwing this out there in case there are others within range who would have liked this match; it is the first match of its kind they have had and they might have some more in the future. It was organized and MD'd by the PSA guys. I have extensive history in USPSA and pistol stuff, and...
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    EAA/Tanfoglio Witness frame size?

    1911 to me is tiny, it is very much bigger than that. Probably a little bigger than a g17.
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    EAA/Tanfoglio Witness frame size?

    Assuming you are talking about the full size metal frame witness, yes, they are all the same size. The smaller cartridge mags (9mm, .40) have a spacer in the back, but all of them lock into the same size frame the same way. Small frame guns are a thing in the international market but not in...
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    AR as a lefty

    I shoot lefty and have owned probably a dozen or more ARs, in multiple calibers, and shot a wide variety of factory and handloads. Can't recall getting hit by a piece of brass yet. When I shoot them it is mostly under the same kind of practical competition type conditions and I use a pretty...