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  1. V

    Heller links and updates

    This may have been posted already.. but I found this to be a handy way to watch/listen to the arguments. It visually shows the text as it's being spoken and displays a picture of the speaker. There is a link to the arguments in...
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    (CO) Man suing police to get his guns returned

    I concur. Either seek legal counsel, or chalk up the loss as a hard lesson learned. And make sure your experience goes to further the knowledge and understanding of such probable circumstances to other owners. Sad as this advice may sound, I'd consider moving out of that city and county...
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    Gun Control Show on Coasttocoast Am tonight

    For those that know how to torrent you can grab the Wed Jan 9th show here
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    (CO) Man suing police to get his guns returned

    That's what spare systems lying around are for. I have no fear of any viral file, just as I have no fear of carrying in condition 1. It has everything to do with prior preparation and education. That said just because an individual can buy a scanner hook it up and scan pages doesn't mean...
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    (CO) Man suing police to get his guns returned

    I concur wholeheartedly. Has the CBI begun a case to investigate your findings? Or did they simply agree with you and then ignore the findings? P.M. me I'd be happy to convert them to a smaller file size like .jpg for you and post them to the group. I think the reason the Det. was there is...
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    (CO) Man suing police to get his guns returned

    Mr. Peterson, There is allot of missing information here, and the herald's website has no information about this case. It would be vital to those interested in determining if this is a legitimate situation facing a fellow gun owner. If you could answer the following questions it would...
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    My son "busted" for saying "gun" on bus.

    It has nothing to do with the word gun... and EVERYTHING to do with copyright violations :) No more singing copyrighted songs outloud!
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    OR Teacher to challenge ban on guns in schools.

    Here is a clip from CNN
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    I'm curious.. Why have most you, who say you will now switch over to Gunbroker, not been using them for firearms related purchases all along? I've never even thought about searching for firearm related products on ebay, I just assumed Gunbroker was the best choice for that. As for them...
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    A Felony is a Felony is a Felony

    Am I the only one that finds that disturbing. First of all the guy was ignorant of his rights. *If an officer came up to me and asked what I was doing sitting in my car legally parked on the street. I'd reply "Good Morning Officer, I'm just sitting in my car here working on my laptop. Have a...
  11. V

    Do you ever see this at an indoor firing line? People talking on cell phones.

    Are you kidding? I handle most of my calls on the throne. It's the one time I'm in a quiet room and bored with nothing to do...well almost nothing :neener:
  12. V

    What to do in this situation?

    Maybe I'm just outing myself as the kind of person whom has fewer and fewer friends. Honestly I have very few new friends since I moved away from home some 7 years ago. I dont' consider work aquaintances friends. And I tend to avoid social outings with co-workers unless I would consider...
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    At what point do you stop talking to a LEO at home?

    somewhat on topic.. if LE is at your home in order to jsut ask some questions. THey have no warrant or PC for anything else. Is it against the law to just simply ignore the door? Not answer and not respond. For example you are sitting in your favorite chair with a pair of headphones on...
  14. V

    Sling shot with wrist brace is illegal

    I can't say with any legal certainty. But I'll assume they are still legal in KS and MO since I've seen them for sale at wally world. Reminds me I need to buy another replacement sling for mine :)
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    Would You Go Out Of Your Way . . .

    First of all...How would you know? I can understand the idea of moving to a state that is friendlier to gun ownership or even moving from a city that has very strict anti-gun laws. But how would you know if people in your neighborhood are pro or anti-gun. Are you going to canvas the...
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    The first gun bill of the new Congressional session - and it is pro-gun!

    Maybe it's just me, but this bill comes across as a way to state that the ONLY legal use of a firearm is for personal security. Sounds like a way to narrow down the legal use of firearms. So if I buy a firearm specifically for target practice, or for competition, or God forbid for $#!%$...
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    I find this youtube video absolutely disgusting

    I'm with Justin on this one, it would take an amazingly steady hand. However I have often used a tripod but kept my hand on the camer to pan back and forth.. and that would cause movement that would appear as if it was held by my hand only. The angle is a bit wierd so I'm still not...
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    I find this youtube video absolutely disgusting

    Besides the lack of eye protection.. and possibly ear plugs (can't really tell from the vid) What exactly is wrong with the picture? If you are implying that 3 teens having a good time firing off rounds for no appherent reason. Is somehow a bad thing for the RKBA, I just don't see it. Anti's...
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    About the time you thought you saw it all

    Part of me hopes one of these yahoos get's shot and dies in the process of exploiting our intelligence. I might actually watch an episode then :p Or even better, their complete lack of training puts a civilian or one of the real officers in danger. Exposing just how bad of an idea this is...
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    This isn't good... Library Police shoot at car - Anderson, SC

    Is it possible the lady got an emergency call, she ran out to her car to attend to the emergency... didn't notice the rentacop or just chose to ignore him since the urgent matter was more important. Then when driving away SHE reacted to a threat on her life when he pulled a gun on her. Since...