assault weapons ban

  1. carnaby

    Progress in fight against state level AWB?

    I can't find much on the subject. I don't think the time will ever be better to get a state-level AWB case to SCOTUS given the makeup of the court right now. It's tough living in a blue state like Washington, when they push assault weapons bans and magazine capacity limits constantly. Anyone...
  2. SharpDog

    assault-weapons ban, ex-cop vows she would 'not comply'

    I have heard similar over the past year from LEOs in various jurisdictions: Sparks fly at assault-weapons ban hearing on Capitol Hill, ex-cop vows she would 'not comply':
  3. P

    1994 vs 1934 - Why Did We Ban in 1994 But Not 1934?

    In 1934 Congress decided civilians didn't need to own fully automatic weapons along with firearms with certain other features. But rather than ban these firearms they required a tax stamp and background check to own them. Why didn't Congress take that approach in 1994 rather than going...
  4. M5-Shogun

    July 9th - Virginia GA Convenes to talk Gun Control

    Well, this is annoying: I voted for Corey Stewart, and I have no idea why those in the primaries nominated Ed G. But now we're forced to sow the fruits of that election...
  5. SharpDog

    2AF files against Deerfield Illinois AWB confiscation plan