gun laws

  1. Old Hobo

    California Assault Rifle ban

    California law as I understand allowed the grandfathering-in of previously-possessed "assault rifles". CA has banned "assault rifle" sales, with some CA cities having their own statutes. Given this situation, to what degree are these laws being enforced? Anybody up on this topic? Me, I've not...
  2. R

    Purchasing a firearm in another state(Florida)

    So here’s the deal, I’m a resident of NYC but I have a vacation home in Florida. Anytime I go to Florida I’d go with my friends to the range and use their guns. However I was wondering if I could purchase my own rifle(an AR-15) in Florida. Is this possible with me having NY ID? I’ve read that...
  3. D

    Question about NiCS background check

    Hey, I want to know if I can pass the nics background check for firearms. I'm planning to buy a gun for sports shooting. I'm nearly 22 now, however when I was in California at 16, I got in trouble in high school for just talking about guns to a friend. I wasn't talking about killing, just gun...
  4. M

    AF2011 vs Mag Cap. restrictions?

    Aside from costing a prohibitive amount, how would the mag/mags fair against restriction laws? Would the one base plate constitute one mag or would the two separate towers stand apart from each other? In reality, there is one mag per barrel even though they are fired together.