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    Kentucky: Permitless Carry Legislation Introduced

    Kentucky: Permitless Carry Legislation Introduced Permitless Carry has been introduced in my state (Commonwealth) of Kentucky. It is known as House Bill 531 and introduced by Representatives Hubert Collins (D-97) and Jody Richards (D-20). The current permit will still be offered (if...
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    KY: Proposal would allow concealed weapons in public schools

    KY: Proposal would allow concealed weapons in public schools The proposed law (House Bill -221) sponsored by Rep Tim Moore would allow concealed carry in public schools. Currently unlawful possession of a weapon on school property is a felony with a possible 5 year prison term...
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    HR 86 "Safe Students Act" to Repeal Gun Free Zones Act of 1990

    HR 86 "Safe Students Act" to Repeal Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 I'm proud to say that my Congressman, Thomas Massie of the 4th District of Kentucky is behind this. "My...