
  1. Load Master

    Removal of Lead Stains - What's Your Secret?

    This is my first stainless wheel gun. I would like to remove the lead stains without damaging the finish you can see on the cylinder. Do you have something that works well for you? I would appreciate it if you would share. Thanks!!
  2. gilgsn

    Removing a barrel, risk of cracking the frame?

    Hello, I am wondering... On a Colt SAA, given the proper tools, barrel vise and frame wrench with correct insert, is it still possible to damage a frame or is success practically guaranteed? Gil.
  3. J

    Removal of faux suppressor on Beretta 71

    Who has tips on removing the faux suppressors attached to Beretta 71 imports? How do they shoot afterwards? What is the quality of the guns from Century Arms, etc.?