
  1. American_Fusilier

    Who are your favorite gun YouTubers?

    Who are your favorite gun YouTubers? It depends on what I'm looking for specifically, But I've always liked: IV8888, Hikock 45, Nutnfancy, Garand Thumb, Rex, 22 Plinkster, Military Arms Channel... How about you guys?
  2. American_Fusilier

    Any members here from YouTube or gun related TV shows?

    Any members here from YouTube gun channels or gun related TV shows? I'm not asking others to reveal their identity if they know of one. Just curious.
  3. Sharpie443

    Responding to anti gun questions

    I go looking to have discussions with anti gun people because i think it's interesting. A few days ago a channel on YouTube that is very anti gun made a questions for "Gun people" video. I thought some of you might be interested in seeing my response. Some of his questions were very telling...
  4. A

    What do you think of

    What do you think of More and more they seem to be attracting the big-time Youtube firearms channels. The big holdout seems to be hickok45 and a few others. I suspect will become critical if Youtube ever prohibits all gun videos. Your thoughts?
  5. A

    MULTI-CHOICE II: What is your favorite Youtube firearms-related channel?

    What is your favorite Youtube firearms-related channel? What is your favorite Youtube firearms-related channel?
  6. F

    Who do you subscribe to on Youtube?

    While dvds do have some timeless info to offer they are few and mostly dated as they are not a good way for those making them to profit due to piracy. Youtube is the best way to get the newest info on tactics, instructional, product reviews, mindset and everything to do with firearms. I want to...