1911 slide lock questions...

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Nov 29, 2003
atl ga
Well... I was out checking out my Kimber Pro CDP yesterday, and the oddest thing happenned...

It would feed regular 185gr HP (unknown maker) fine, but when I tried some 185 +p Gold Dot HP, the slide would lock back on it's own about every other round.

When I dropped a mag to inspect after it locked back once, I saw a scrape on the side of the gold-dot. Putting the mag back in and moving it back and forth, it looks like the side of the bullet hits the edge of the slide lock. Comparing the Speer and whatever the other HP was, I can see that the Speer bulges out as it tapers to the nose of the bullet while the unknown HP tapers directly to the nose.

I'd really like to move up to Gold-Dot 185s in this gun. (not +p though... way to peppy for this small, lightweight pistol) Can I take enough off the edge of the slide lock to allow the Speer HP to pass by without causing problems with it not locking the slide on a spent mag? Would I be better off complaining to Kimber about that and the 'step' in my trigger pull and seeing if they'd fix it?

Premature Slidelock

Howdy Bill,

This seems to be a common problem with Kimber's slidestops. You can fix it yourself with a small smooth-cut mill file or a flat needle file. With a couple of rounds in the magazine and the top-end off the gun, install
the slidestop in its usual position and slide the mag up slowly while you
watch. Use a flashlight so you can see it happen.

When you see the side of the bullet touch, take note of the exact spot.
Use the file to relieve the area of contact on the stop, and be careful to follow the angle of contact. Go slow, and don't remove any more material than necessary. A couple of swipes and check it. When the bullet clears the stop by about twice the thickness of a sheet of paper, go test-fire it.
Repeat until the problem stops. If you follow the angle closely, you'll probably fix it with the first try.

Luck to ya!

The early bird

may get the worm - but the second mouse always gets the cheese.

Excellent post Tuner, but would you expound a little on possible adjustments that may be necessary to the magazine follower to make sure it still catches the altered slidestop to lock back the slide on an empty mag.

jaybar asked:

possible adjustments that may be necessary to the magazine follower to make sure it still catches the altered slidestop to lock back the slide on an empty mag

Howdy jaybar,
As long as none of the length is removed from the slidestop's lug, it
shouldn't need any adjustment. All the metal is removed from the
backside at an angle where the bullet ogive touches it.


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