2008 Democratic national platform demands re-instatement of AWB

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I think Ohio Governor Ted Strickland can be a driving force in getting this language changed.There is no more active pro-gun Democratic politician in high office than this Gov,TMK,and very few Republicans.
This man really gets it ,is no phony and is a staunch 2A supporter from the most important swing along with Florida.No GOP Presidential candidate has ever won the White House without taking Ohio ,going back to 1856.
I'm amazed Obama has not given Ted S.at at least some recognition as Veep material.He'd be my pick.
Calls,emails and letters to Gov.Strickland about altering or removing this offensive plank can't hurt.I sent him one last week.His website for contact:

I wasn't worried about an AWB until just a few moments ago but Obama picked Biden to be his VP. What should we do???? I dont think there is any way to get through to Biden as he has expressed how he feels about gun owners... "crazies". so now I am worried. Is there any way to get out the message that the Constitution is something to be upheld?????
I have a sinking feeling in my chest right now:(

When I heard that Obama is going to choose Biden the feeling of complete dread came over me and I feel like we may be in trouble.
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When I heard that Obama is going to choose Biden for the feeling of complete dread came over me and I feel like we may be in trouble.

The good news is Biden is cartoon material.He's stuck his foot in his mouth and made more mental blunders on national TV and in the MSM than any other Senator in the last 16 years.Think Daffy Duck.
Don't expect his gaffes to stop if he is the Dem Veep.
I think this is a great choice for us and a disaster for Obama and the Dems.Look for many chuckles and goofs from Biden.And the man can't shut up.Once he starts rolling ,it's downhill all the way.
I know it's difficult to keep the two separated, but we've drifted into politics instead of Activism to get the DNC to change this plank in their platform. With Biden as a choice for VP there's no chance that the DNC will remove it's call for a new AWB and background checks for private sales between individuals at gun shows. If you can think of any practical way to change the DNC platform that hasn't been discussed, please continue with the thread. If all you can think of is to lament the situation and complain about it, take it to APS. Perhaps we need a new thread on working on the local/state level.
What we need to do, is get out the message of preserving the constitution to everyone. I don't think we can get through to the DMC at its core (especially now), but perhaps you can get through to the voters. One of the only ways to get a political party feel a certain way about an issue is to make it feel the voice of the people.

Well there is another way too....
contributors and lobbyists. We need to get some lobbyists in the party who can help fund them. They will listen to money.
Anyway, that is all i got.....

Anti-Gunners are very passionate about how they feel towards issues. They run the show based on emotion. Also, keep in mind that these fellows are politicians who need to run their campaign. So money talks. But, is there anything unethical about that?

I noticed that in the draft after the one in the OP , this one dated 8-13 the AWB language has been removed and the only thing on firearms was closing the "gun show loophole"
Damn! I swear the version I saw only had the gunshow part.
My computer crashed and now I can't find the link I had, and all the versions I find still have the AWB language on it.:banghead:
Sadly, I doubt that the 2A is safe in the hands of either of the 2 major parties anymore. McCain doesn't exactly have a great track-record of voting pro-2A every single time. I guess he is still a little better than these socialist Utopian nut-cases in the Dem party. The donkey (ass) is a great logo for them.

When will we finally ditch these two failing parties?

OOPS... back to activism. Maybe we can show them how it feels by waging some attacks on the 1A which they seem to believe is the only amendment. I bet a good attorney could come up with some good "damages" caused by the liberals in the media.

Unfortunately, the 1A is our right too... might just end up self defeating.
Biden HHHACKPTOO is my Senator.
About 15 years ago I was at the Kosczuczko day Parade in Wilmington DE. (Thaddeus Kosczuczko General and Hero of the Revolutionary war). I lived in the Polish neighborhood Browntown then. I was out in front of my house watching the Parade and there was Joe walking down the sidewalk pressing the flesh. Apprporiately he was following the Shriners in their little clown cars. So I decided to ask him why he was so opposed to the Second Amendment as he was shaking my hand. He said:

"why do you care about guns they are only for killing people and we are not at war"

I said target shooting is my hobby.

He looked me in the eye and said:


And then he walked away smiling and shaking hands.

There is no more anti gun politician than Biden Period. Now I have heard the story about him owning a shotgun and shooting trap/ skeet and duck hunting. Its a load of crap, I know his daughter Ashley having met her recently at work. I aksed her about the story, and if she went trap shooting with her dad. She told me that He has never owned a gun and doesn't hunt or trap shoot (after I explained to her what trap shooting is). She is a very nice young lady and I take her word for it.
Wow. Like wow. I honestly don't mean to be rude, but I don't see how anyone can think that Biden being on the ticket makes the Dem ticket any more pro AWB. Maybe I take it for granted since I'm suffering at the hands of these gun banning elites in the greater Chicagoland area, but Obama is just ANTI-GUN in general. I believe that this state is the only state where you have to show your "papers" before you are allowed to purchase ammo or even reloading components. There is a reason that Obama's state is referred to as The People's Republic of Illinois.
I don't see how anyone can think that Biden being on the ticket makes the Dem ticket any more pro AWB.
For Obama, guns have always seemed to be just "one of those other issues." He hasn't bothered to get all that involved in it, and his record consists primarily of a few votes on other people's legislation that he knew little about but felt compelled to sign onto, and a couple answers on questionnaires.

Biden, on the other hand, is a crusader, and banning "assault weapons" seems to be his personal Holy War. He was the only candidate in the YouTube primary debate to address the issue (and he did so by questioning the sanity of the AR-15 owner), he has consistently been at the forefront of gun-ban efforts even when they were politically a really bad idea, etc.

I could see Obama leaving the gun issue alone in order to avoid rocking the boat too badly. I can't see Biden doing that; he has treated it too much like a jihad in the past.

I could be pleasantly surprised, of course, but I don't have my hopes up, and the campaign has been more vocally anti-gun since Biden joined the ticket. I am wondering if that is Biden's doing; Obama said he wanted someone who would "challenge his thinking," and that worries me.
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