.22lr vs tire

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If it's my car, I would have no doubt that the bullets would not reach me (unless you fired underneath the car)

also understand that shooting through a car in that direction also means the bullet has to go through the firewall, seats, and in my car's case, gas tank and various other structural components.
I have shot 7.62 AP, not the mild cored stuff that people claim is AP.

it will NOT go all the way through an iron block.

3/4" of IRON, not steel, will stop essentially every .30 round you throw at it, though an ap core can squeeze through.

AP is designed to pierce armor, not iron. Armor is made a different way. Which is why the same round that punches through 1" of armor titanium, cannot pierce 3/4" or iron. I can show you a picture of what AP does to an iron plate. just not right now.

YES, an engine will be seized after that shot, it would definitely penetrate the intial side of impact.

NO the bullet will not just "zip right through like butter". That is a figment of hollywood imagination. Tree branches deflect bullets, what do you think an engine would do?
don't know if you get a nice neat hole but the times we played with ap stuff emerged from rear of car made holes in trunk blew out back window
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