A favor, please. "We must all hang together..."

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Agreed, we are all in this together. The ultimate agenda of the UN and anti's, no matter what party or affiliation, is to take firearms out of the hands of the law biding citizens. They think that total disarmament is possible. They expect criminal to give up their weapons too, I guess. They would like to use the UK and Australia as examples... This is one of the most important fights we as firearm owners will face. Now more than ever, we need to band together. There is no compromise with someone that will criminalize you because of your rights and beliefs. I will stand with any of you on this forum. I also have more free time right now than most, so please if I can help more, let me know how. I write, email, donate, call and my wife and I even have petitions of Republicans,Democrats, and Independents who do not want their rights infringed. We also need to be proactive, by sitting and waiting to see what happens, we have already lost.
Disagreements are all part of being human and free to think and believe what you want. I agree. You are right that it is the selling out that divides us. That is where I think we need to apply the glue to hold us together.

I live in N.J.we need a permit for just about everything,beech(permit)badge,handgun permit for a handgun,BB gun,slingshot.permit for a shed,deck etc,etc.I'am only here because my kids and grand kids are here,otherwise I would be in Pennasylvania across the river.Now thats a good permit stateCCW.
What we are seeing is a disconnect between disagreement (perfectly O.K.) and forcible compliance.

I may choose to either divest myself of or simply not acquire "assault weapons" or "high capacity" magazines. Or I may get them by the truckload. You have the same choice.

However, some are advocating making that mandatory compliance. That isn't tolerance or problem solving, that is bigotry simply because they happen to disagree.
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