ABC's Anti-Gun Agenda.. Sickening

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Nov 29, 2008

Here, just saw some recent news articles that are really sickening and I noticed that many people who respect their freedom sent a hailstorm of comments on the site condemning the one-sided, pro-Marxist, anti-2A style article. The article is about Omar Samaha, a brother of a victim at Virginia Tech who has a crusade to make guns hard to acquire for the general public. He had a contest to see how many guns he could be in one hour with $5000. The man, essentially believes guns, not the psychopath named Cho was the problem. His goal is to make more victims, since he is chasing after a machine instead of a deranged human mind. Perhaps, he should ban shoes, since Cho used shoes to get to his location. Maybe, he should bain metal chains, since he used metal chains to trap people into the building?

Heres the worst part of this article:
For Samaha, the Glock handgun was a particularly painful purchase. It was the same kind of gun used to kill his sister Reema when she was a freshman at Virginia Tech. Just holding the gun in his hand was difficult.

"I don't want to think about how gruesome it was and how somebody used this type of weapon on my sister and so many other innocent people. It's devastating," he said.
Did you know there are SIX sepparate threads going on about this one episode of 20/20?

Wouldn't it make more sense to post in one of them?
Please it is important to make a well thought out complaint to ABC's 20/20. I just forced myself to watch all their articles and I think my blood pressure just doubled. There is so much wrong with each report it would takes me hours to write but in brief:

The report where they slander concealed carry: The firearm instructer knows which seat each student is sitting in and focuses strickly on that student, each student is given minimum training, for the students that would take down the intruder they place a second shooter right next to him...(ok this time there are 10 gunmen, lets see if the concealed carrier can shoot all 10 intruders at once), and even more importantly ABC's entire point is "don't carry a weapon, you could still die". So...a room of unarmed students will survive otherwise?

To the report that slanders teenagers finding loaded guns: I would like to see the same scenario consisting of teenagers who all took firearm safety courses and are familiar with firearms. They most likely would pull out the mag, take the remaining bullet from the chamber, deam it safe and then tell the adult. This would prove that the only dangerous scenarios are those are children who have never touched a firearm before and find it interesting.

To the report that "proves" the gunshow loophole: No filming of the transaction takes place. You do not hear what he says to the gun dealers and vice versa. I have been to many gunshows and have never heard a dealer say "give me a hundred extra and I won't ask". For all we know he has a class A license, goes inside and comes out with an arm full of guns. I like when the guy comes over at the end and just because he asks "do you have any .22s" he is deamed an illegal buyer.

I'm sorry if this was a slight rant on my behalf, I just do not want to see propaganda being used to take away our rights. Before I watched 20/20 I was watching some videos on England's current situation and it's just frustrating to see it unfold before our eyes. This great nation on the brink of a total loss of freedom.

I'm watching the show online right now....
Jeremy, who has maybe had a few hours of real training in his life, and whose first time CCWing in a classroom.... freaking tells the girl next to him he's carrying a gun!?!

Joey doesn't even know how to draw.....

I want to throw up because this is so contrived. It's like putting an amateur in a boxing ring after maybe half a day of lessons, and expecting them to be able to compete in real boxing.
Why didn't they show some people who have been CCWing and have had training in the same scenario, with the perpetrator not knowing where the CCWer is sitting?

I do feel vindicated switching to Glock though after seeing how fine motor skills go out the window.

"it's too much for a normal person whose never been trained to deal with."

Okay, well since most people I know in the military and law enforcement aren't natural born ubermensch; the key issue must be, dur dah dur - training. I admit, I haven't been to the hardcore hi-speed uber tactical stuff - but I make an effort to practice drawing and to get to the range once a month. It's definitely not enough, but it isn't fair to pick 3 college kids who at most have played airsoft and use them as examples. And the one kid who has shot a lot, I wonder if he has ever done CCW or taken a class? Shooting is only one part, the kid can't draw.... must have never practiced it.

Sorry if someone before already covered this I am watching it right now.
The one thing that does scare me is that there is a certain amount of truth about kids being killed with guns....

Safes are relatively inexpensive.... if someone can invest a few hundred bucks in a gun, what stops them from spending a little more to get a safe?

And if I ever see any of my future children even playing with a toy gun the way ABC lets these 4 year olds do it on camera.... I would come unglued.

And high school/college age kids haven't been taught how to safely clear a gun. "Is the safety on?" It's a DA revolver. And they are so scared of the guns just by looking at them, as if the guns in themselves are criminal.

The only thing I know to compare this to is sex.... you either get educated and know how to handle it safely, or you just figure it out on your own which can have disastrous results.

I'm going to stop commenting now and just say I've wanted to throw up at multiple points.

Can't ABC devote 10 minutes of this program to firearm safety?
I had to do one more post.
Diane sawyer "remember the secretary who played dead after being shot and called 911?"

Yeah, and how the cops waited over 30 minutes to go inside? 30 minutes! If the gunman didn't kill himself, he could have gone on all day.
Something I was wondering:

Is it illegal to let a bunch of random kids point real guns at themselves?
reckless endangerment..... I guess ABC could justify it with "there were no bullets." They don't have the same mindset that all guns are always loaded, and they apparently can't take 5 minutes of their piece to spread that safety message along.

also, some states against providing children with access to firearms - but the participants may have been over 18.
Take a look at's website someday.

Every day, there's (1) an antibusiness story; (2) something about BO's kids or dog; (3) something about some Hollywierd bimbo doing some kind of drugs; (4) a Hollywood couple breaking up; (5) What happened on The View today; (6) something about the pirates or Afghanistan, vague and unsourced; (7) somebody getting shot; and (8) whatever BO did today.

It's not news. It's tabloid journalism circa 1940.

And they wonder why nobody's watching.
All I know is my blood boiled when I watched that part. That's the single worst case of negligence I've ever witnessed, and they call US unsafe.
ABC, is that Another Barack Channel? I don't really know who ABC is. Kinda like that NBC and CBS stuff. I don't pay any attention to them at all!
I had to force myself to watch the whole video. Totally disgusting! I used to be in the news media and I am sooo glad I no longer participate in that now seemingly dishonorable profession (except for FOX). Fortunately I was a photographer and didn't have to kowtow to management's beliefs. I can't believe how naive some people are; believing that background checks or restricting gun sales will ever stop some crazed individual from committing another Virginia Tech massacre.
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