Admiralty Island, Alaska

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Jan 28, 2004
I returned yesterday from my week on and about Admiralty Island which is just outside of Juneau. The primary target was brown bears. We saw plenty (15) but all but one were sows with cubs. The one possible boar was badly rubbed. One evening my brother and I watched 10 different bears on a large meadow grazing and generally goofing off. We were sitting on the edge of the timber near the beach. It was an entirely pleasant way to spend a few hours until we heard a strange "BAH" sound behind us. Since we weren't sure the sound came from a little cub that had somehow managed to get behind us, we decided it was time to withdraw as tactically as possible. :) Just didn't want to have to tangle with an enraged mama bear in CQB.

It was a great trip. The scenery is spectacular, the fishing is good and the wildlife watching opportunities are incredible to say the least. We saw all kinds of whales and twice we were "attacked" by dall purpoises while fishing. We rented a 32 foot boat to travel to the south end of Admiralty (about a 70 mile trip) and managed to survive the ever changing Alaska coastal weather and seas.

Might just have to do it again. :)

Nice trip!

Envy expressed. Nice trip.

Good move re. tactical withdrawal from the cub--agreed, CQB with Mama Brown Bear would be exciting, but not much fun. Not having great eyesight, her general idea is: "Something moved near my little one. Is it a threat? If I tear it to atoms it won't be a threat. CHEEARGE!"

You definitely have to repeat the trip. Once having been to AK, the question is never IF you will return, merely WHEN.
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