Airport Incident

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Jul 7, 2009
I'm sitting on the plane now, posting from my iPad. Just before boarding a was overhearing, mostly because of her shouting, another traveler's airport woes. She seemed like a very frazzled traveler. She had multiple small handbags stuffed into one large reusable grocery sack, a jacket, a blanket, a shawl, etc. She's got a lot of stuff. She is digging through her bags telling the lady next to her about all that the TSA removed from her bag. This is their conversation:

"They took my hairspray, my lotion, my facial scrub..."
"Is this your first time flying?"
"No, I fly often. Very frequently."
"Then you should have known that you can bring that stuff."
"Every airport is different. Every other airport let's me bring my gun on the plane. I put it in the little tray with my change. I have pictures of me holding my gun on the airplane on my Facebook!"

A few points I'd like to make:

I thought, due to current circumstances with airport security, it was very kind of them to mail her firearm to her house for her. Am I incorrect in thinking that a handgun can't be mailed to her house?

Just an observation, it's been a long time since firearms were allowed to be carried on to planes. That last time I remember seeing a gun on a plane was in Die Hard. "I'm a cop, I've been doing it for a long time..." :)

I believe it is the responsibility of gun owners to know the rules of establishments, states, and countries concerning firearms BEFORE they even start their journey. Things go a lot smoother and you can really stay out of trouble.

The way she was shouting gave me the impression she was a few crayons short of a happy meal, but I'm no doctor.

By the way, the cops came and ran her through NCIC and all that. She still made her (our) flight.

I thought the situation could have turned out slot worse for her.
There are certain Law Enforcement Officers that are allowed to carry weapons on a plane. These Officers may not have ever taken formal firearms training. For instance certain people who work immigration can bring firearms on board planes but some of them have never been trained to use them. Still sounds odd either way.
I'm truly surprised she wasn't arrested. These hammerheads that fly now days are astounding, the things they think they have to have with them when they travel! Glad I don't fly that much, taking the shoes off at the TSA gate is enough for me, let alone toting along ones Annie Oakley sidearm.
I sincerely hope she was LE of some type, if she had been routinely carrying on airplanes! (I thought only Federal Agents could) Hopefully she was just some nut off her meds having delusions.

Not that I would want to be flying with her.
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